“But you’re still close.” She sighs and tries to smile, which breaks my heart. “I wish I had a chance with Manuel. We were close when we were younger, but we drifted apart as he got more involved with Papa’s work. Still, I loved him.”

“I know you did, and I’m sorry you didn’t get a chance to know him.” I slow as we reach a spot tucked up against a small cliff where a few larger boulders meet. I stoop slightly, and there it is, the entrance into a small nook. We’re in shadow cast by the rock formations, and I reach deeper into the crevice until I feel something hard. I laugh as I pull it out and hold it up.

“A cigar box?” Olivia blinks and frowns as I open it, then she laughs too.

It’s filled with old porno playing cards, ancient skunky weed, a glass pipe, and several tiny mesh screens. I lean against the rocks and marvel the little hidden cache. “Fynn and I used to come here sometimes and get high together. This was our spot when we were kids.”

“I can’t believe that’s still here. How old is it?”

“Ten years at least. Probably a little older. I can’t remember the last time I came here with Fynn, which kills me a little, but I wanted you to see this. I want you to know me, Olivia. I want you to understand where I’ve come from.”

“I can imagine you and your brothers having a lot of fun around here, away from your parents.”

“Those were good days.” I put the box down and slide it back into its spot deep in the dark of the hidden pocket. “And now you’re with me, and the days are even better.” I steer her closer, taking her hands in mine. I kiss her softly and she grins at me, a blush to her cheeks, genuinely happy. She’s so lovely and I can’t help myself as I sink down to one knee, still holding her hands in mine.

“Olivia, I want to ask you something,” I say quietly, and she stares at me with wide eyes.

“What are you doing?”

“I love you. I think I’ve loved you a long time, but I haven’t been able to let myself understand it, not really. But I’m sick to death of pretending and tired of acting like I don’t need you, when the opposite is true. I need you more than a limb, more than my life. You’re my family and my blood, and I love you, Olivia. I love you so damn much it breaks me.”

“I love you too,” she whispers as I take the ring from my pocket. It’s different from the one she’s wearing—Elise helped me choose this.

“You deserve everything.” I slip the old ring away and shove it in my pocket. “Will you marry me?”

She blinks rapidly but a tear rolls down her cheek. “Too late for that.”

“I mean it. I want to do this right. We don’t have to do another ceremony if you don’t want, but I need you to make this commitment, and I need you to know that I’m committed. Will you marry me, Olivia?”

“Yes,” she says, nodding, grinning. I push the ring onto her finger. “God, yes, I’ll marry you. I love you, Casso Bruno.”

I stand and kiss her, crushing her mouth with mine, and pull her against my body. She laughs, and I laugh, and she’s crying, and I’m definitely not. I hold her tight and feel her close, a part of my life, the center of my world. I love her more than I can understand and even if it scares the hell out of me, I won’t run away. I won’t fight against something good.

“Now I suppose I should take your name,” she says, sighing against my chest. “Olivia Bruno. That sounds nice, doesn’t it?”

“Sounds perfect.”

Chapter 30


Three Months Later

“You have to tell him.” Karah’s practically bouncing up and down on her toes but I shake my head, pacing back and forth across the game room. Elise sits at the bar, pouring herself some champagne. She hands a glass to Karah, who waves it off. “Come on. You have to.”

“I will, I will, I’m just terrified.” I’m tingling with excitement and fear. Everything’s changed so fast and I don’t know what I’m going to do.

“This is a good thing, isn’t it?” Elise raises an eyebrow, drinking. “I guess I wouldn’t know. This body is not made for—” She makes a vague gesture at herself.

“That’s because your body is ninety percent plastic,” Karah says and Elise laughs at that, raising her glass with a wink. “This is a good thing, Olivia. He’s going to be so excited, and God knows he needs it right now.”

I stop and lean against the pool table. My head’s spinning and I feel like I might pass out. I grip the edge tightly and close my eyes and try to picture Casso’s reaction. I can’t quite see it, but I’m terrified it’ll be horrible, that he’ll be angry and blame me for doing this at the worst possible time.