“Just do it. And if my wife is telling you to forgive Olivia then I think you should.”

I snort-laugh and shake my head. “My sister’s not right about everything, you know.”

“So says you, but in my experience, she’s right more often than not. Just think about it.”

“Yeah, all right. I’ll talk to her at least, but first I’m going to spend some more time with Fynn. You get out there and start fucking shit up.”

Nico nods and glances back. “Give my wife my best.” He grins at me and heads down the hall.

I remain alone by the window for a long moment, trying to gather myself, but I feel like I’m broken in a thousand different pieces, with each piece trying to move in a different direction. And it’s then that I realize the one thing I keep coming back to is Olivia. Nico’s right, she is the center—she’s my center at least. Even when I’m at my lowest, even when it makes the least sense, there’s always her, always Olivia. Everyone’s telling me she’s good, so why try to fight it, when I don’t want to?

I turn away and head back into Fynn’s room. I sit down across from Karah and she arches her eyebrows at me. “Well?” she asks.

“I’ll talk to her,” I say.

Karah looks smug and very self-satisfied.

Chapter 27


I sit curled up in the reading nook Casso made for me but I can’t seem to concentrate on anything. We left my SUV behind, a little parting gift for Papa. I’m still dragging from the twelve hours I spent in a car, six out and six back, the trip home spent in tense silence—all except for a half-hour when he pulled over in a quiet, dead parking lot, and looked into my eyes. Take off your shorts. Take off your panties. He pulled me into his lap and, god, he was so hard—twitching against me with a raging, yearning need. I rode him in that abandoned lot, rode him until the car rocked and the windows fogged and we both came in a flood of lust.

When there’s nothing else in the way, things with Casso are good. They feel right, perfect, like two puzzle pieces snapping together. But the situation we’re in remains complicated, and Danil’s still out there somewhere, causing problems. Casso won’t stop until he gets revenge for his brother, and I can’t blame him for that.

I’m doing the same thing.

My phone buzzes and I check the text.

Casso: I’m heading home. You better be there.

Olivia: I’m right where you left me.

Casso: Good girl. Have you been thinking about me?

Olivia: I have. Very bad things though.

Casso: I like that. Tell me some of those bad thoughts.

Olivia: I was picturing what you made me do on our drive home, when you pulled over.

Casso: I made you take off your pants, your panties, and had you straddle my hard cock. Remember the way it felt deep between your legs?

Olivia: Yes, I remember. I don’t think I’ll ever forget it.

Casso: Does it make you wet, thinking about riding me like that? Right in public, where anyone might see you? I love that you’re a dirty girl for me.

Olivia: You and only you.

Casso: I love how soaking you get for me. I love the way you moan and the way you scream my name when you come. I’m on my way home to see you and I want you soaked for me, on all fours, your ass in the air waiting. I want to find you in bed like that. I’ll be there in ten.

My stomach does flips with excitement, picturing the wait. It’ll be torture, utter agony, and I need it so badly it hurts. I need the release, the proof that he wants me, the way he looks at me as he fucks me and feels my slick pussy wrapped around his massive, throbbing cock. I need him kissing me, biting me, telling me he loves it when he’s inside me. I need him to remind me why I can’t get enough of him.

Olivia: Yes, sir, I’ll do what you ask, but only because you asked so nicely.

Casso: Good girl.

I’m grinning as I get up and start to undress. If he’s coming from the hospital, he won’t be long. I pull off my shirt and my nipples are stiff already as I walk to the bed, swaying my hips, already feeling his hands on my body in my mind. I’m smiling as I climb up and pull off my pants and spread my legs and, hell, I can’t help myself, I touch myself a little bit. I rub myself slowly, my pussy already slick with need.

And my phone buzzes again. “Casso,” I purr, “you bastard.” I pick it up and freeze.

It’s not Casso. It’s a number I don’t recognize.

Unknown: Olivia, did you find out who killed your brother yet?