Page 51 of Dahlia's Kiss

She slid them back into the folder.

“Thank you.”

“Do you know who they are?” she asked.

“I only got a small glimpse, but I know one of them was CeeCee. That’s pretty cold hearted of you to make me look at her like that.” I tried to remain indignant, while fighting to keep whatever was left in my stomach where it was.

“We know you fought shortly before she was killed. Is that why she died? Did she find something out about you that you wanted to remain hidden?” The woman leaned in across the table. “Is that why you were seen with all the men? Are you a serial killer, Ms. Brooks?”

“Look,” I started. “CeeCee and I fought because she was interested in my boyfriend. She didn’t know we were together until she saw him kiss me goodbye at my car and then shit hit the fan. She made a scene, and the boss let her go because that wasn’t something he wanted to happen at his firm. I feel really bad about what happened to her. I even feel guilty because if we hadn’t gotten into a fight, she wouldn’t have left work, then maybe she would still be okay. But I’ve never hurt anyone, so no, that’s not why she died.”

“And the men?” she asked, trying to corner me.

“I’m ashamed to admit that before I met my boyfriend, I had no desire for any kind of relationship. But I did desire sex. I picked quite a few men up off dating sites for random nights of fun. We never exchanged information, and I never saw any of them more than once.” I looked at the woman and leaned forward, matching her posture. “You look like you could use a random night of fun yourself.”

The male officer chuckled, and she shot him a look.

“So, you’re telling me that you know nothing about any of these murders, that you just happened to be seen with each of them before their demise?” she asked.

“I guess so, yeah. I mean, I know you don’t have any footage of me with any of them when they actually died. I know this because I’ve never been involved in any crime, let alone murder. But perhaps it’s someone who was doing the same thing I was doing? I can’t imagine these guys only did that kind of thing one time with me. These guys are serial sex addicts. There are probably hundreds of women they’ve hooked up with. Possibly men as well.” I thought about what the other cop had said about asking for an attorney and weighed my options if I should consider it. “I appreciate all your efforts to bring this case to a close, and I really hope you catch whoever is behind all this, but I’m not your girl.”

The male officer sighed and closed his notebook.

“Would you mind allowing us to take your fingerprints to compare to any found at the crime scenes?” The woman asked, sensing the interview was drawing to a close.

“I don’t mind at all.”