Page 38 of Dahlia's Kiss

“When we were all together,” he muttered before making another long sweeping motion with his tongue within my folds. “It can wait. I want to make you feel good. I want you to know how much you mean to me. Unless it was to protect you, I could never hurt you, or anyone else You have to believe me, Dahlia. To have a bonded mate, even if I have to share you, means everything to me.”

I released him from the grip of my thighs, and he climbed my body to take my mouth. His erection rested at my apex like a coiled snake, ready to strike, but he did not take me. Instead, he kissed me, flooding my belly with his warmth. “I want you inside of me,” I coaxed. “Stretch me, fill me, feed from me.”

His hips raised, and his cock nudged at my core, the head nestling itself between my labia. I brought my hips forward to greet him, forcing his length inside of me. He moaned into my mouth as I sheathed him, encompassing his organ until he was completely buried. His cock vibrated with his rapid heartbeat, the blood coursing through him, pressing against my insides like a drum. I needed him to move.

“Fuck me, Damian.” I pressed my hands to his chest, forcing him off my torso. He was poised above me like a wild stallion, the fire in his eyes threatening to consume me.

Slowly, he began to move, pulling every inch from my body until only the head remained, then pushing himself back inside with an equal amount of control. I needed more. I was hungry to be battered, hungry for the pain along with the pleasure. I rested my hands on his hips and squeezed. Bracing my feet against the mattress, I slammed my hips into the air, forcing him deep inside.

“FUCK ME!” he screamed, throwing his head back in delirium. I’d broken his pace, and now he couldn’t hold back. His thrusts became frantic, a furious onslaught against my body. “I can’t hold out, Dahlia! I need to cum. I need to cum so badly.”

“Do it!” I demanded. My own orgasm was just below the surface, building in intensity until the dam broke. I screamed his name as I fell into oblivion and felt him begin to feed on my pleasure. He pulled hard against my orgasm, drinking it into himself until he could hold back no longer, and I felt the heat fill me from his own explosion. I took his pleasure the way he took mine and felt myself satisfied.

“I love you,” he whispered as he left my body and handed me a towel from the floor to clean myself up with. “I know I shouldn’t say it, but I do. I love you. Every fiber of my being is screaming for me to protect you at all costs. I’m yours forever.”

I couldn’t say it back. I just wasn’t there yet, and I didn’t know if I ever would be. My history was making it impossible for me to jump that hurdle. My silence didn’t seem to faze him.

“You don’t have to say it back. I just wanted you to know that was how I felt. Even if you don’t return the feeling, it won’t change how I feel.”

“I’m sorry,” I said, feeling like I owed him an apology.

“Shh. Don’t be. It’s enough for me that you’re here with me. That you haven't rejected me.”

“I’m so scared,” I told him. “Sterling does so many things that make me wonder if he isn’t involved in this whole mess. You get brought in for questioning and everyone tried to convince me of your guilt. Then there is Cole.” I wasn’t sure if I should spill the beans about what I’d found earlier, but I needed to tell someone before I imploded. “Cole followed me to work this morning. That wasn’t what was bad, though. After I left, I caught him following me again. When I confronted him, I found a pair of my underwear in his backseat. Now I don’t know what to think.”

Damian’s mouth was pressed in a hard line. “Did he explain how he got them, or why he had them?”

I shook my head. “I got out of his car really fast and left. He was trying to explain, but I didn’t hear him out. I just couldn’t. I was too mad. He's been calling since then, but I’ve been sending him to voicemail. Then I turned off my phone completely when it got to be too much. I planned on talking to him about it later, but now I don’t know if I should.”

Damian grabbed my hand. “You need to tell Sterling. Maybe he can make heads or tails of it.”

“I don’t want him to get arrested. What if it was completely innocent?”

“But what if it’s not?” he asked with fear in his eyes. “What if he hurts you when none of us are there to protect you?”

I supposed he had a point there, even if I didn’t want to admit it.

“I’m going to call him.” Damian grabbed for his jeans.

“No, don’t!” I begged. “What if I just ask him to come over? Then we could talk to him together. I think Sterling might kill him and ask questions later.”

“That’s what my gut is telling me to do,” Damian admitted. “We need to do this the right way. Call Sterling and tell him to come here. Then we will ask Cole to come, too. Then we can all have a discussion together. No secrets and no one is left out. You know that’s what’s best.”

Why did he have to be so God damned right?

“Okay, fine,” I sulked. “You call Sterling, I’ll call Cole. But we tell them nothing until everyone is here to discuss it together. Deal?”
