Page 35 of Dahlia's Kiss

I heard steps rapidly approaching behind me and I prayed it wasn’t who I thought it was.

“Ladies, it looks like you’re having quite the heated discussion. CeeCee, Mr. Douglas just called my direct line. He said no one was answering the office phone. Any reason why?”

“Sorry Mr. Sullivan,” she sulked. “I was trying to get to the bottom of something and I didn’t hear it.”

I knew she was lying. She’d looked right at the damn thing as it rang. But I kept my mouth shut.

“Get to the bottom of what?” he asked, leaning an elbow on the half wall before her desk.

“Dahlia.” She offered my name like it was slime on her tongue. “I really feel like I should tell you what I just saw her doing, and the excuses she tried to give me. I don’t want to get involved in whatever you two have going on, but I would want someone to tell me if they knew something.”

Drake looked at me with a questioning expression, then back at the receptionist. “What do you mean what we have going on?”

CeeCee frowned. “Mr. Sullivan, I saw you guys kissing. I know you’re a couple. You don’t have to hide it from me.”

Drake eyes grew dark. He didn’t say a word, but I could tell he was trying to come up with a way to deal with the problem at hand in the most diplomatic way possible. He was probably regretting not dealing with this when it happened.

“I know I wasn’t supposed to see,” CeeCee argued. “But it was right in front of me. Dahlia and I talked about it after, at least I think we did. I’m not super clear on those details.”

Drake put a hand up and stopped her rambling. “Whatever you think you saw, forget you saw it.”


“I’m not joking, CeeCee.” Drake’s finger still hovered in midair. “What you’re accusing us of could jeopardize this entire firm. It’s a conflict of interest. You did not see us kiss. That did not happen. I promise you, if it comes down to your word against mine, I will win that argument. Do you understand?”

“But she’s cheating on you!” CeeCee roared. She stood from her chair and squared off against our boss. “She was just sticking her tongue in the mouth of some guy outside. I don’t care if you’re trying to keep this whole thing a secret, but you should at least know she isn’t being faithful to you!”

Drake looked around to make sure no one had witnessed her inappropriate outburst. “Dahlia is free to kiss anyone she likes. We are not in a relationship, nor is there anything going on between the two of us.” He glanced at me, and I shrank beneath his gaze. He was telling her one thing, but I could tell there would be words between us after this was done. I’d never outwardly told him I was fucking other men, but I thought it was implied. To my knowledge, I’d never said or done anything to make him believe he was the only one.

“I’m only telling you because I respect you as my boss,” CeeCee squealed, her voice still far too loud for the content of her words.

Drake had enough. “Cecilia, please pack your belongings and exit the building. I will not have an employee in my building spreading lies and causing discord. What you are insinuating is both vulgar and wrong. I don’t conduct myself in such a manner, and I’m sure Ms. Brooks does not either. You are lucky neither of us would seek to bring a suit against you for defamation.”

CeeCee’s eyes welled up with tears. “You’re firing me! All because I tried to tell you the truth about her?” She wagged a finger in my direction. “Fine.” She grabbed her purse and started putting all her personal trinkets inside. Her hands shook in anger, and she sniffled from the crying.

“Leave your keys on the desk. We will mail your final check to your residence.” Drake retreated, slamming the door to his office on the way out.

“I hope you’re happy,” CeeCee spat at me. “Now I’m fired because you were being a fucking slut. I hope he breaks up with you and sends you packing, too. Good riddance.”

“I’m sorry that just happened,” I offered. “But you are wrong. We’ve never been a couple. I’m not interested in him, and I’m sure he isn’t interested in me. You should have just left it alone.”

“No, I shouldn’t have,” she said. “Because I have morals. When I see someone doing something they shouldn’t be doing, I’m going to call them out on it. What you’re doing is wrong. You can tell me lies all day long. Both of you can. But I saw how angry he just got when I told him the truth about you. If you weren’t a couple, that wouldn’t have meant anything to him. But it did.” She grabbed her phone charger from the port on her computer and stomped toward the door. “I hope you get herpes, Dahlia. I really do. Karma is a bitch.”

“Dahlia?” Drake stood in the doorway of his office. “Can I speak to you please?”

Damn. Out of the frying pan and into the fire. “Yes, sir.”

He shut the door again. Swallowing hard, I followed him.

The lights were low in the office, the shades pulled closed over the floor to ceiling windows. Drake sat in his big, leather chair and flipped through the documents before him, scribbling on a few, before moving to the next. “That was a very awkward conversation.”

“I agree.” My voice cracked as I spoke.

“Who were you kissing outside?” He looked up at me and locked his eyes on mine. His pen paused on the paper, and then he abandoned it altogether. “I know I don’t have a right to ask. I’m not foolish enough to believe I was the only person sticking my dick in you, but after you showed up at my house the other day, after I bathed you, and let you sleep in my bed, I thought maybe we were something more than occasional fuck buddies.” He pushed the papers out of the way and placed both his hands flat on the desk.