Page 33 of Dahlia's Kiss

“Would you two knock it off?” I shouted. “Sterling, do you think this had anything to do with the murders?”

“I don’t doubt it.” He grimaced as he touched his head and looked at his fingers to see if he was still bleeding. “I don’t know what they wanted with me, but it definitely wasn’t just to have a little chat. Where’s Damian?”

“He hasn’t come back here since the cops let him go. Hasn’t called either. I was trying to give him some space,” I said.

“He's probably the one who attacked Sterling. He must have thought if he killed him, it was one less Incubus vying for your attention.” Cole crossed his arms and scowled. “Think about it. He’s nowhere to be found, and Sterling gets hit. He’s trying to get close to you, just like the killer said in the note. You also can’t forget that he was seen on that surveillance tape. Don’t discount the evidence, Dahlia.”

“He's not wrong, Dahlia,” Sterling said. “We should at least consider the facts.”

“Can we at least talk to him before we start this witch hunt? He might have an explanation for all of this.” I snatched the bloodied towel out of Sterling's hand and carried to the sink to run it under cold water. “This whole thing could have been completely unrelated, and you've already found him guilty.”

“Why can’t you fathom the possibility that he could be guilty? You’re fighting awfully hard to defend him.” Cole reclaimed his spot on the couch, muting the volume.

“I would defend all of you,” I said. “Sterling, you sure you’re alright?”

“Right as rain,” he said. “Nothing a good blow job won’t fix.”

“Yup, he's fine,” Cole laughed. “Probably whacked himself to get you to feel bad for him now that I think about it.”

“What did I do to deserve you guys?” I looked at my cat and remembered the days when we were alone and happy. “What am I being punished for?”

“Punished?” Cole looked at me with pursed lips. “Honey, you’re the luckiest little Succubus that’s ever walked this planet. You’re a creature that needs sex to survive, and you have three prime specimens of Incubus sexiness bonded to you for life. Now if you don’t mind, I have a hankering to feed. So, be a good girl and lose the pajama pants.”

“I second that,” Sterling said from the floor.