Page 15 of Dahlia's Kiss

Grabbing my upper arm, he twisted my body to the side until I was perched on my knees. My thighs were against the back of the couch, my breasts sitting on the top like it was a shelf. His hand massaged my pussy from the rear, from front to back, circling my clitoris, and shoving two fingers inside my hole with no warning.

“Oh, fuck!” I clenched closed on his fingers, my sore parts rebelling against the rough treatment.

“Stay still,” he grumbled. “Don’t fucking move.”

My fingers dug into the fabric of the couch as he pulled out of me as fast as he’d entered and put the same two fingers into my ass. I whimpered as the pain radiated through my core. He was moving behind me, pushing the coffee table back to give himself more space, then his fingers left my rear. I struggled to see what he was doing over my shoulder, only to be ordered to look straight ahead. When his belt hit the delicate skin of my ass, I jumped. The sting that followed didn’t dissipate as the second strike bore down on me.

“This is for talking back,” he said with another swing. “And this one is because I like seeing the red welts it leaves behind.”

Tears sprang to my eyes, but I didn’t let him see. I bit my lip and endured it, feeling the trickle of my arousal running down the inside of my thighs.

When he was done, he rubbed spit into my asshole and fingered the tight opening. I fully expected his fingers inside of me once more, but what came instead was much bigger.

“How kind of you to keep these candles right within reach on the coffee table.” He pulled the candle back and plunged it inside of me once again. “They make a perfect substitute for a butt plug in a pinch. The wax becomes pliant and works as a perfect phallus.”

The thing stabbed inside of me once again, dragging a cry from my lips. “You know, if you wanted toys, there are plenty of them in the bedroom.”

“Did I tell you to speak?”

“Is that the game we’re playing?” I asked.

The belt came down on my ass again, hard. I bit my lip, stifling a scream.

“I warned you what you were doing to me.” His cock slammed into my pussy. I felt like my body was split in half as the pain tore through me like a dagger. He held his position, filling me to the brim while fucking me with the makeshift candlestick dildo relentlessly.

With his free hand, he reached around my waist and pinched my clitoris between his thumb and forefinger. The excruciating pain pushed me over the edge. “Fuck!” I screamed as my orgasm tore through me. His hips remained still as my pussy squeezed his cock like a vise grip, over and over again. I struggled to move, to make him move inside me, but his pummeling of my ass ceased, and he held me in place as he fed from my release. How long had it been for him? He sucked every drop of my ardor into himself, and as my pulsations waned, he gripped my hips tightly with both hands. The candle was still buried in my rectum, pressed firmly between his rock hard stomach and my body. Then he began to move. He pulled out until just his head was inside of me, held that position for a moment, making me feel the emptiness he’d left behind, then buried himself to his balls once more. The pain from the second thrust was just as strong as the first. And so it went on, the time between each becoming smaller each time until he pumped inside me like a piston, his fingers digging into my flesh, his cock destroying me from the inside out, and his moans keeping me lubricated for the onslaught.

When he came, he cried out in delirium, his cum spurting inside me in hot waves. Then he collapsed onto the floor beside the couch. I turned my sore body and slid down onto the cushions and watched him while he panted. A pair of silver dog tags were pressed to his chest amidst a smattering of dark hair. He turned his face and met my eyes.

“Get dressed,” he demanded.

For some reason, I couldn’t argue with him. My usually sharp tongue was silent as I found my pants and shirt and dressed with my back to him. When I turned, he was buttoning his shirt, barefoot and beautiful in a sliver of light falling from the living room window. I couldn't find any words to say, so I waited until he addressed me.

“If you won’t be my mate, this is how we will fuck. I will take what I need from you, and you will submit to me. You and I both know that with the bond, now that we’ve tasted each other, we won't be able to stay away. But if you deny me what I want, then I will take it out on your body. If you decide to be with me the way we’re meant to be together, you will never crave another for how well I will take care of you.”

“And if I like your rough treatment of me?” I asked. “What then?”

“It’s only going to get rougher. I held back considerably.”

Sterling’s radio went off as it lay on the floor where he’d dropped his pants. “Sterling, you there?”

Grabbing for it, Sterling pressed a button on the side and spoke into the front. “Yeah, I'm here. What’s up, Tally?”

“Another body. You told me to let you know before anyone else. A lady just reported it. I’m on my way now. Meet me there?”

“Fuck.” Sterling looked at me, and the anger in his eyes was unfathomable. “Do you see why the fuck I want you to be careful? This isn’t going to stop. How much do you want to bet your little boy toy who was here earlier snagged a pair of your panties when you weren’t looking and we’re about to find them in some stiff’s throat?”

He pressed the button again. “Yeah, send me the address.”

“Sending to your phone.”

His cell phone beeped from the coffee table.

“Got it. On my way, Tally.”

“I want to go,” I said as I rushed to my bedroom to get dressed in more proper clothes. I would at least need a bra if I were leaving my apartment. “You were going to show me pictures from the crime scenes anyway, right? Wouldn’t it be better if I could see it firsthand?”

“Absolutely fucking not.” Sterling’s voice echoed through my room from the living room. “I can’t take civilians to a crime scene. It’s against the rules.”

“You’re a detective. Make new rules.” I pulled my hair into a bun as I stepped out.

“Dahlia, bringing you there would cause more questions to be asked than I’m willing to answer. Please drop this.”

I decided to play the only card I held. “What if I told you I would consider this whole mate thing if you allowed me to see the scene?”

Sterling bit his lip. His eyes squinted in my direction with a question. “Go get in the fucking car.”