Page 5 of Dahlia's Kiss

“What the fuck?” I whispered, tearing my eyes from him. “An Incubus. How did I not know there was one in town, and how did he manage to be right outside my home?”

By the time I reached my office complex of brick and stone, I still hadn’t recovered from the stranger's sudden appearance at my side. His eyes haunted me like a shadow from within my soul. Who was he? Why was he in my territory? And more importantly, why did it seem like he looked for me in particular? I wasn’t sure I wanted the answer to the final question.

The glass set of doors swung inward, blasting a whoosh of cold air into my face as I crossed the threshold. Cecelia, or CeeCee, as people called her, was behind the large mahogany secretarial desk. When she raised her face to the door, announcing my arrival when it opened, a broad smile widened across her pretty face. There had been many times I’d come to work hungry and simply had too much to do to hunt elsewhere. You make do with what’s available to you in those times, and her mind was pliable. Although she didn’t remember our encounters, her skin always flushed when I was near her. I liked the way the beat of her heart quickened when I entered the room. I inhaled the scent of her arousal and felt my beast rise to the challenge.

“Not now,” I coaxed my inner desires. “You’ve already been fed. Leave CeeCee be.”

I felt my drive disappear as I forced it back inside its cage.