Page 25 of Dahlia's Kiss

“That can’t happen.” I heard the tremor in my voice and tried to force my nerves to settle. “They’ll see that I’m not human if they process it. How do you know it’s mine?”

“I’m well aware of what will happen once they put it under the microscope. I know it's yours because I can smell you on it. The same way I know the panties are yours. The other scent is on the scene as well, the other Incubus. It's faint though, like he tried to cover it up. Tell me you didn’t have anything to do with this. If I find out you're working with him, so help me God, Dahlia. I won’t protect you. I’ll turn your name over to the council and look the other way when they destroy you.”

I swallowed hard. “I didn’t have anything to do with this, or any of the others. Can you tell me who was killed?”

“Isaac Aldean.”

I worried he would be next when David was killed. “That poor man. What did they do to him?”

“Same as the rest. Bullet to the brain. Underwear shoved in his throat.”

“What can I do?” I asked.

“Stay put. I’m coming to you. We need to come up with a plan that will protect you from detection. It might be smart to leave the city.” I heard the engine of his car start through the microphone.



I bit my tongue, but I needed to ask the question. “Do you think you are in danger? I slept with you too. Do you think this guy will come after you next?” I didn’t want to add, what about Damian and Drake? Sterling didn’t know their names, and I wanted to keep it that way. Damian was still suspect in my mind, but I didn’t want to turn him over to the detective without solid proof. And what about Cole? I knew absolutely nothing about that man other than the fact that he liked to turn up in random places. But if he was obsessed with me to the point that he killed my lovers, why did he show so little interest in me? Then there was Sterling himself. He was in the position to set these crimes up effortlessly. He had access to my apartment without my supervision when he searched it. It was entirely possible he snatched the clothes then to plant as evidence. Would he do that to scare me into being his mate?

I just didn’t know anymore. Everyone was guilty until proven innocent. Why was I so attracted to these men who could kill me?

“I hope the motherfucker tries to come after me. It would be the last thing he ever does. I’m pulling in now. Don’t worry about the gate. These things are programmed to let emergency personnel swipe in without being buzzed. Are you in your apartment?”

“No, I’m sitting in my car.”

“That’s not safe, Dahlia. I wish you would tell me where you were all night.” The exasperation in his voice was evident.

“Sorry, Sterling. My comings and goings really aren’t your business. I do appreciate the concern, though.”

The unmarked car pulled beside me a moment later, and a stern looking Cajun man glared at me from the driver's side. His eyes had heavy bags dragging down his lids. It was obvious he’d been up all night. I sunk down in my seat, knowing it was my fault he looked that way.

I allowed him to follow me up to my apartment. My energy was wanning. All I wanted to do was get under the spray of a hot shower and crawl into my bed. When he demanded to be allowed to protect me, I didn’t have enough fight in me to tell him no. Once in the door, he kicked his shitkicker boots off and grabbed the blanket off the back of the couch, fluffing the pillows before he lowered himself onto the cushions. I couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow at his chivalrous behavior.

“What?” he asked indignantly. “Something tells me you don’t want me in the bed with you.”

“You got me there,” I replied.

“Then I’ll be fine here on the couch. There is one way in and one way out. If anyone tries to sneak up on you, they’ll have me to contend with.” Bean jumped into his lap with a purr and circled twice before curling into a ball on his legs. “I guess your cat is going to take turns on duty.”

“You furry little traitor,” I whispered to the animal.

“Sleep well, Dahlia.”