Page 2 of Dahlia's Kiss



Anticipation.It was always the same during this stage of the game. Like a cat with a mouse, I would play with my food, then devour them with no mercy. The only difference would be, when I consumed my meal, they would feel no pain—only waves of undiluted pleasure, immersion into depths of release, the likes of which they’d never experienced and likely never would again. Then I would disappear into the night, like a dreamed-up phantom they’d conjured in their starved brains to scratch itches they couldn’t reach otherwise.

I knew they would come. Just like I knew they’d abandon their aversion towards touching each other once captured in my spell. I’d make them dance like marionettes.

The sheets on the bed felt silken against my skin—the stark white color making my tanned flesh look all the darker and more alluring. I discarded the dress I wore downstairs onto the floor, and in its place, a thin sheath of black fabric covering only the apex between my thighs. My breasts defied gravity exactly how they were supposed to, a product of my preternatural gifts used for seduction. I was the embodiment of what most men found attractive. Surviving now for fifty-three years, my body lied to all those who looked upon it, seeming to be aged no older than twenty-three.

That was the magical age a Succubus would stop aging. No longer a child, but with the skill of a much older woman.

If fed properly, I would go on like this indefinitely. As good as immortal, with a lust for sex without limits or bias.

Only one thing could warm my belly better than a feed.

Succubi didn’t find mates like humans. We were fated to another of our kind from birth—an Incubus who would be a perfect genetic match. Once found, a Succubus could go years without taking a single human. The couple fed on one another, exchanging sustenance in symbiotic unison.

But such things didn’t happen anymore. There were too few Succubi and Incubi in the world for such things to occur naturally. And mating without a fated bond rarely, if ever, produced offspring. So, our race was doomed and would eventually become extinct.

It didn’t bother me, though. I’d never been overly concerned with procreation or even finding a true mate. It all seemed like more effort than it was worth, especially when finding humans to feed on was so convenient. The plight of my people didn’t concern me. After all, no one ever showed any interest in me, or my needs.

When the gentle knock on the door came, I smiled. No one ever turned me down, and tonight would be no different. But I steeled my will and promised myself if both men from the bar below weren’t present when I opened the door, I would continue my hunt. I’d made my conditions clear to them, and I prided myself on being a woman of my word, even if the pretense of sex hid my true agenda.

Stretching my limbs, I climbed out of the silken sheets and arranged my long hair in a messy bun at the nape of my neck. I couldn’t have my unruly waves getting in the way of what I was about to do. I straightened the lace panties, stepping with bare feet toward the door. Would there be one, or would there be two? I was dying to see the answer.

The doorknob felt cold beneath my fingers as I pulled back the security latch and opened the room to the conditioned air from the hallway beyond. I didn’t try to hide my nakedness from whoever stood on the other side. Even if they’d disobeyed, I didn’t mind giving them a taste of what they wouldn’t have. One must be apprised of what their bad decisions rob from them.

Relief washed through me when I greeted the two men. Even though I would’ve stuck to my guns, I didn’t have the patience to find another meal this evening. Arching my back, I smiled at my prey, lips parted slightly, eyes half-mast. My skin exuded a chemical to make their cocks hard that I could control at a whim, and I turned it on full throttle.

The man who tried to ply me with alcohol sucked in a breath as he devoured my body with his eyes. His blue irises dilated in unadulterated appreciation, even as the second man fought to keep control of himself.

“Well, hello there,” I said coyly, shielding my small nipples with my hands. “You seem to have caught me while changing. I hope you don't mind my state of disarray.”

Man number two, the brave one who took the liberty to touch me without my permission, sucked in a breath, and his hips jutted forward subconsciously.

“Honey, you were hot in the bar, but you look even better like this,” he crooned. “You sure you need this other guy? Like I said before, I can fuck you just fine without him.”

The collar of his shirt was stiff beneath my touch as I pulled him into the room.

“We could do that, but it would be so much more fun with the three of us.” The other man didn’t wait for his invitation, quickly stepping over the threshold and closing the door behind him. He cleared his throat, hands fidgeting at his sides nervously. He didn’t have the masculine confidence of the second man, but still possessed the tenacity to follow through.

“I hope you don’t expect me to touch him.” Number One, my well-dressed businessman, pursed his lips, the action reminding me of a pertinent teenager about to throw a tantrum. His gaze fell on the second man who seemed unmoved by his disdain. “I’ll give you whatever you want, Dahlia, but I’m not gay.”

“What’s your name?” I asked, leaning in his direction. My scent reached his nostrils, they flared, and his mouth drooped open.

“David.” Stepping towards me with his hands outstretched, he attempted to embrace me. I stepped back at the last second, and his fingertips grazed my left breast.

“Now, now, David. We haven’t properly introduced ourselves.” I turned to the second man who, growing impatient with the game, began popping buttons through their tiny holes to reveal a broad, toned chest beneath. “What might your name be?”

He grinned, flashing a row of brilliantly white teeth. “I’m Isaac.” His shirt dropped to the floor in a heap as he went to work on a leather belt. He used his toes to push his expensive-looking leather shoes off his feet, and within a moment, the pants joined the shirt in a wrinkled, disorganized mess. “It’s not fair for you to be so deliciously naked, and here we are dressed. Let’s even the playing field a little.” Only a tight pair of black briefs remained on his lithe body, and even they succumbed to his striptease. The muscles in his calves and thighs suggested he spent a reasonable amount of time running. I liked what I saw.

“That seems fair.” I giggled, tugging off my underwear. “What about you?”

I looked at David, appraising his timid stance and standoffish demeanor. The man desperately wanted to touch me, so much so that his fists clenched at his sides, shaking with crumbling resolve. But the idea of a second man intimidated him, and it was apparent he was climbing hurdles in his mind to meet my expectations.

Sighing as his will broke, he tossed his jacket on the floor beside him and pulled his shirt over his head, revealing chiseled abs and a broad, well-muscled chest. He tugged his jeans off one leg at a time and carefully threw them in the opposite direction of Isaac’s pile. He was commando and stunning. His member, already rock hard, curved upwards and rested against his lower stomach, level with his belly button. He moved his hands to try to shield himself self-consciously.

“Don’t do that,” I whispered. “It’s perfect. Don’t cover it up.”

Slowly, he removed his hands and let them fall to his sides. The tip of his cock glistened with moisture in the low light of the room.

Isaac stepped behind me, placing his hands on my hips. His mouth found my throat, his tongue tasting my flesh before he nipped me lightly with his teeth. “Where do you want me to touch you?” he crooned against my ear. His breath tickled my sensitive skin, sending a shiver down my spine.

“You don't strike me as one to ask for permission,” I responded.