Colby was curious despite of himself. Melissa glanced down at her feet, pretending to be shy, before looking back up at him through lowered lashes.

“Ryder is a cruel man, Me Laird, as ye well ken,” she said, crossing her fingers at the lie. “I’ve always been afraid o’ him. Any woman would be.”

Colby nodded grimly, pleased to hear his enemy spoken of in such terms.

“Meredith was the only reason I agreed to stay in the castle with him,” Melissa continued, her voice low, so he had to lean closer to hear her. “She protected me from Ryder. He didnae dare lay a finger on me while she was there if ye ken what I mean?”

Colby nodded again, giving her the courage to continue.

“The thing is, though,” she said, her face the picture of innocence, “Meredith has… well, she’s gone, Me Laird. Nobody kens where she is. I think Ryder must have taken her somewhere. I just… I just hope he hasnae harmed her…”

At this, she broke into sobs so heartfelt that she surprised even herself with the force of her emotion. If he doesnae believe me, she thought, her stomach churning in fear, I’m done for. Please, Lord, let him believe me…

Her prayers were answered.

“So, ye daenae ken where Meredith is?” Colby asked, his tone inscrutable. “And Ryder hasnae spoken to ye about this? He hasnae told ye where she might be?”

“I havenae dared to go near him to ask,” Melissa lied. “I’m too scared o’ his temper and his fists. I just waited in me room until I was sure she wasnae coming back, then I stole a horse from the stable and came here. Like I said, I dinnae ken where else to turn. Ye will help me, Me Laird, willnae ye? Meredith told me what a gentleman ye were the time ye went walking with her. She never forgot that kindness, and I remembered it tonight as I left the castle. I thought if anyone would help me, it would be a man such as yerself.”

For a moment, she thought she had gone too far, but then, with a lecherous smile, which made her shudder to her boots, Colby was putting an arm around her shoulder and turning her in the direction of the nearest doorway.

“Ye did the right thing coming to me,” he said soothingly, guiding her towards the door. “Now, let’s get ye inside.”

As they walked across the courtyard, Colby’s arm still held uncomfortably tight around her shoulders, Melissa risked a quick glance up at the castle battlements. If all had gone to plan, at least some of Ryder’s men should be up there by now, waiting for their opportunity to strike. Sure enough, as her eyes strained in the darkness, she was just able to make out the dark figure of a man, shadowy against the night sky. Seeing her look up, the figure raised one arm in a quick wave. Reassured, Melissa turned back towards Colby, who opened the door with one hand, while the other still looped around her shoulder.

Seeing her opportunity, Melissa quickly slipped her hand into the pocket nearest her, resisting the impulse to shout out in triumph as her fingers closed around the object she had been hoping for.

The keys.

She had managed to get the keys.