onet allowed him to lead her away.

“So do I. I daenae if ye ken this about me, Jonet, but I daenae give up easily.”

She huffed a laugh. “Oh, is that so?”

“Aye, if I want somethin’, I go after it, no matter what gets in me way.”

“Believe me, Matthew, I’m nay likely to forget that any time soon.”

“Good, good. Because if ye ever hope to leave me…”

“I daenae see that in me near future,” she said musingly. “But then, who kens what might happen. Ye might succeed in annoyin’ me so much that I kick ye back to the village.”

“Ye wouldnae dare.”

She lifted a brow. “Ye ken I like a challenge.”

Matthew’s heart thudded at her wicked grin. He gave into the urge to scoop her into his arms, listening to her excited giggle. She was much more energetic than she had been before they had gone to sleep.

“I have another challenge I’d like to issue to ye,” he whispered to her. Gratefully, the hallways were free of others, allowing them their privacy.


“I wonder if yer up for it.”

She grinned. Jonet kissed him on the mouth, letting her tongue slip past his lips and dominate. When she pulled away, he was a bit breathless. “I’m up for anythin’ with ye, Matthew.”

Matthew matched her grin. “Now that’s what I like to hear.”

Matthew went to visit Georgie the next day. There was a hop in his step, a grin on his face that he could not wipe away no matter how many times he tried. It was impossible when he had woken with the most beautiful woman in his arms, the weight from the events of the night on his shoulders gone.

She had looked so peaceful while she slept. Matthew realized he had rarely had the chance to gaze upon her serene picturesque face, her lips parted slightly while her even breathing whispered through the room. She slept deeply, even though sunlight shone on her face, bringing alive those dark lashes that cast shadows on her cheeks. His heart had swelled with such love in that moment as he gazed down at her.

It had been a while since she had slept so peacefully and so he had not wanted to risk waking her as he crawled out of the bed. She did not stir as he left, slipping out when the morning rose to go back to his own bedroom.

“I brought ye breakfast,” he declared as he entered Georgie’s room.

The boy was sitting up in bed with his gaze out of the window. He grinned brilliantly the moment he spotted Matthew and winced.

“Relax,” Mattew told him, laying Georgie’s plate on his lap. “There’s nay reason for ye to be so excited to see me.”

“I havenae spoken to anyone but the maid who helps me and the physician who comes to check me wounds. I’ve been longin’ for some conversation.”

“Well, daenae let the maid or the physician hear ye say that.”

Georgie laughed. “Ye arenae plannin’ to eat? Or have ye already?”

“I’m waitin’ for Jonet to wake,” Matthew told him. He sat on the edge of the bed, one large enough to prevent him from sitting on Georgie’s feet. He took in the boy’s bare chest, his wrapped shoulder, and realized that stable work was more strenuous a job that he had thought.

“How is Miss Jonet?” Georgie asked as he shoveled a hearty scoop of oats porridge into his mouth.

“She’s better,” Matthew answered honestly.

Georgie leaned over. He tried to mask the flinch of pain as he lifted his brows. Matthew held back his grin.

“I heard the servants talkin’ about the Laird catchin’ the culprit. They say it’s Jamilyn? How can that be?”

“Ye kent her?”