“Thanks to a certain someone.” He grinned.

“Well, I am happy to be of help. Will ye continue trainin’?”

“Nay, I think I’ve worked up enough of a sweat to tire me out for sleep. I’ll walk ye back to yer room,” he offered.

Jonet hesitated a moment, before she nodded. She could not stop the image of Matthew popping into her mind, staring down at her with those green eyes, dark with desire.

They set off in silence at first, but then conversation broke out once they were well on their way. It was light and easy, the continued distraction she needed as they took the same path she had earlier with Matthew and memories flooded her mind. Soon enough, they arrived at her room and Jonathan bid her goodbye.

This time, when Jonet walked over to her bed, she had a little more confidence in her ability to sleep. She slipped under the covers and let out a sigh, hoping that confidence was well placed. Though in a matter of minutes she had slipped into sleep’s warm embrace, but her dreams filled with heated kisses and a forbidden touch.

The morning was far too bright for Matthew’s liking. He was in a crabby mood, and after a night of tossing and turning through fitful sleep, he was hardly surprised. He glared at the sunshine flooding his room, as if the angry stare could will it away. After a while, he sat up and let out a sigh.

His mind instantly went to Jonet.

Matthew was hardly surprised by it and he did not think very much of it, either. After all, the entire reason he was lying in such a large, comfortable bed was because the woman he was trying to seduce had finally invited him to stay. A major step in his plan to take the Lairdship… and yet, there was unease in his heart.

He told himself it was because he was not unsure where they stood any more, and so he did not know what move to make next. He ignored the pang of agitation that he might have done something wrong last night, and the growing concern that Jonet was not as well as she had claimed she was. She could not hide her emotions that easily but, at the same time, he didn’t know if her sudden retreat had been because of him.

God, if I havenae figured it out yet then sittin’ here like a fool isnae goin’ to make it any easier. I should see her.

He was desperate to see her. After returning last night, he had lain in his bed acutely aware of how large it was. How perfectly she would have fitted next to him, and how the odd loneliness he felt would have been gone in an instant.

She can continue to push me away but I’m nae goin’ to back down.

Determination coursed through him at the thought, but he was still a little agitated, not knowing what was to come when he saw her next. He reached for the wine sitting by his bed. He poured himself a goblet full, hoping the rush of alcohol would make him ready for the day ahead of him.

He had just lifted it to his lips when he smelled something odd. Matthew lowered the goblet, frowning. He sniffed the wine, noticing that there was a bitter scent to it, one that he was certain had not been there before.

It couldnae be… could it?

He sniffed it again, horror dawning on him. He had this wine by his bed for some time now, often times having a drink before he retired to sleep. It had never smelled like this. Almost as if it had been… tampered with.

Matthew picked up the bottle and carried both it and the goblet to the window. After peeking over to ensure no one was down below, he emptied it all, until there was not a single drop inside. His heart seemed to sink with it, as his mind grew used to the idea that he might have narrowly missed being poisoned.

I’m only overthinkin’. Maybe the wine went bad.

Telling himself that the wine he had been given from the Laird’s household had gone bad was not an easy feat, but Matthew did not know what else to do. He could not deny that it was odd, and the fact that he was not the only person who had access to this room made the situation all the more curious.

There’s nothin’ I can do about it now. I most certainly cannae tell Jonet about this though.

His consoling thoughts did nothing to stop the tremor of unease that shook his body as he dressed. He stared at the empty bottle the entire time, as if it would reveal to him why the wine had such an unusual smell. Yet the questions remained when he left his bedroom and he pushed it to the back of his mind as he made his way down to the stables. It was still early, early enough for him to clear his mind with a horse ride before breakfast.


Matthew grinned at the chipper voice, watching as Georgie rushed over to him. “Arenae ye in a good mood today?” he said by way of greeting.

“Ye ken I’m always in a good mood,” Georgie smiled. There were bits of hay in his hair and when Matthew looked up at it, he caught wind. He quickly brushed it out with his hands. “Sorry. I was cleanin’ up the stalls just now.”

“So early?” Matthew swept his gaze around the stables. “Ye’re the only one here.”

“I like to get up early,” Georgie said. “Learned it from me Faither. He was always the first one to begin workin’ so I will too.”

“Yer dedication is commendable, I must say.”

Georgie beamed at that. “What brings ye by so early then? Ye want to ride out to the village again?”

“Nay,” Matthew shook his head. They continued along, stopping only when they got to Temper, who watched them with steady black eyes. “I thought I could go out for a ride before breakfast. I need to clear me head.”