She eyed it worriedly. “Are ye sure this is the best one for him?”

“Aye, of course!” Georgie said confidently. “His name is Temper.”

“Ah, I see.” To her surprise, Matthew sounded amused. “I’m guessin’ this horse isnae very easy to deal with.”

“A very difficult horse, Matthew,” Jonet nodded. “Georgie maybe ye should try another one—”

Matthew’s shaking head made her cut her words short. “I think I can handle him.” As if to prove his point, he ventured closer to the horse, who watched him with unnerving stillness.

Jonet’s jaw dropped in surprise when Temper allowed Matthew to pet him. He had never done that with anyone, except Georgie and the Laird.

“See,” Georgie said. “I ken he would like ye. Why daenae ye try him out?”

Matthew was already leading the horse out of his stall. For the first time ever, Temper appeared very calm, which put Jonet on edge. She was waiting for something bad to happen.

Yet nothing did. Temper allowed Matthew to mount him as easily as Fenella would allow her. The only thing he did was snort and lift his head to give Matthew the chance to rub his neck.

Jonet was too much in shock to think. Georgie was the one who brought her back.

“Would ye like me to fetch Fenella, Miss Jonet?”’

“Aye, thank ye.”

He nodded eagerly and raced off to fetch her horse. Jonet stared up at Matthew, who was still rubbing the horse gently on the neck. He caught her stare and lifted his brows. “Do I surprise ye?”

“Aye,” she said honestly.

He huffed a laugh. “I’m happy to hear that. At least ye daenae feel completely negative things when ye are with me.”

That made her face go red. Jonet tried to rein herself in. “I hope ye are prepared to answer everythin’ I ask. I already have a few in mind.”

“I am, but ye are the one who will be answering me. I do have a few rules for our race.”


“Aye. Once the loch is in sight, we will dismount and run the rest of the way there.”

Jonet blurted out a laugh of surprise. “Ye are just full of surprises, arenae ye? Ye want us to run? Why would we do that when we’re already on our horses?”

“It is more fun that way, daenae ye think?” he asked with a grin. Behind her, she heard Georgie’s approach, Fenella’s hooves echoing. “And that way, I stand a chance.”

Jonet was still grinning as she hopped atop the back of her horse. “I’m glad ye ken that ye arenae likely to win this. At least that way, ye will accept defeat easily.”

“Aye, aye, ye daenae need to rub it in.” Matthew turned his attention to Georgie. “Thank ye, Georgie. I will make sure to treat Temper well.”

“I ken ye will, Mr. McDulaigh,” Georgie said perkily. “And I couldnae help but overhear that ye two will be racing? I wish ye all the luck. Ye’ll need it against Miss Jonet.”

Matthew’s eyes wandered back over to Jonet and she only gave him a sweet smile. She was humming with enthusiasm at this point and now that they were both atop their horses, she thought there was no reason for them to delay it any longer.

“Let us begin, shall we?” she positioned Fenella near Temper.

Matthew readied himself. Jonet hunched over Fenella, focusing all her attention of the exit of the stables ahead of her. She was vaguely aware of Georgie taking a few steps back. The rest of her attention rested on Matthew, who she noticed was watching her instead of in front of him.

She did not let it distract her. She wanted answers to her questions, and this could be the only time she would be able to obtain honest answers out of him. She had to make it count.

She did not bother to count them off. She simply shouted, “Go!”, and they were gone.

Despite the fact he had appeared to be focusing all his attention on her, Matthew kept up easily. Temper had the advantage in strength and speed, but Jonet would not put all her faith in the horse’s ability to do what he was told, even if he seemed to have taken an instant liking to Matthew. She also believed the fact that she was accustomed to the area gave her the upper hand. Jonet wondered if Matthew was even aware of how to arrive at the loch.