Jonet sighed. “I ken.”

“Ye do?”

“Aye, I believe ye. If ye say that ye werenae in any danger, then why should I continue to think that ye might have been killed? I just cannae help but worry that I will lose ye too.”

Matthew came to a stop. He grasped her arm, forcing her to look at him. When he looked down into her eyes, he felt as if he could read her soul. It both terrified and invigorated him. “I never thought I would hear ye say those words.”

“I never thought so either, but I suppose I have taken more of a liking to ye than I expected.”

Her nonchalant attitude was lackluster at best. He cupped her chin and watched her turn soft. “Because of that I think I will be sleepin’ like an angel tonight.”

Jonet smiled. “Goodness, I daenae think I will ever get used to it.”

“Once we are married, ye will have all the time in the world to be used to me.”

Jonet’s smile fell. Oddly enough, Matthew’s heart sank just as much. “I daenae…”

He shook his head. He did not want to hear her reject him once again. “Doesnae it sound wonderful?” Matthew forged on, smiling brightly in light of the uncertainty in her eyes. “Us, if we were married? I would hunt for the meat and ye would try nae to cover the entire scullery in flour while ye make the cakes.”

Jonet slapped him on the arm. Matthew descended into a fit of laughter that was not quite as genuine as it should have been. Even though he had made the joke to lighten the mood, to clear her expression of hesitancy, he could not forget it himself. All this time, he thought they had been making progress. He thought she truly was beginning to like him and that the plan was well underway, but perhaps he had overestimated his abilities.

Matthew was unsure why it bothered him so much. It had not yet

been a month. Only about a week. He had more time, had no reason to be impatient in winning her heart before he won the Lairdship. So why did his heart twinge so painfully at the reminder that she was not so keen on marrying?

“Ye are impossible!” she huffed, her cheeks growing bright red. Much like how they had when he had spotted her covered head to toe in flour. “Ye arenae supposed to jest about that.”

He lifted a brow, real humor tugging at his lips now. “Why nae?”

“It’s too embarrassin’!” She whirled away from him, facing the open window. Matthew, unable to help himself, ran his gaze from the top of her head to the tips of her black hair that brushed her lovely backside, and lingered.

“Embarrassin’, ye say?” Matthew’s fingers twitched. He longed to run his hands down the sides of her waist, to feel her feminine form pressed against him. The urge grew overwhelming, had him trembling with need. He did not know how he was able to form proper words.

“Ye see me covered in flour tryin’ to make sweet cakes and ye daenae think that’s embarrassin’?” She tossed a look over her shoulder and Matthew snapped his eyes back up. “Ye are very odd, ye ken? I thought ye were goin’ to laugh at me. Or make fun of the fact that I cannae cook.”

“I was savin’ the laughter for another time,” Matthew murmured.

Jonet scoffed and walked away. Matthew laughed, and grabbed her by the wrist to keep her from going too far. She glared up at him when he whirled her back in front, but the look did not have the effect it should have. If anything, it only made him want to reach down and kiss her all the more.

“Ye ken I only like to make fun of ye,” he said softly, not letting go of her wrist.

Jonet lifted a brow, with a slight scowl. “I cannae understand why.”

“Maybe it’s because ye are so adorable when ye’re upset.” When her cheeks went red again, her eyes widening with the action, he smiled. “Just like that. I can hardly resist ye when ye’re like this.”

He watched as she grappled for something to say. Her eyes darted away and when they settled back on him, it came with a frown. It only made him smile all the more.

“Ye are such a flirt,” she muttered.

“Aye, and ye like it. Now, come along. Ye need to get to bed.”

He breezed past her, pulling her along behind him. He was pleased to see that she did not protest. Soon enough, they were strolling side by side once again, silence settling over them.

Matthew was not sure what was going through her head. He tried to focus on that, to ascertain what she might be feeling right now, rather than give into the intense yearning taking control of him. He still hadn’t released her wrist and, after a while, he slid his fingers down to capture hers. She made no protest, though she looked up at him. He kept his head straight, feeling at odds with how much this simple touch made his heart swell with happiness.

All too soon, they arrived at her bedroom. Matthew studied the heavy wooden door, committing to memory where he would be able to find it if circumstances were to lead him back one day. She studied him while he did and when he looked at her, Jonet had one brow lifted in question.

“Would ye like to come inside, Matthew?” she asked in an unusually sweet voice.