Page 20 of Together We Lie

Chapter Eighteen

Asperusual,Will had not been pleased with the outcome of my latest job, which was evident by his shouting about my fire stunt. Apparently, it had caught a low-hanging branch and spread throughout the garden.


“That was fucking foolish. How many times do I have to tell you to stick to the mother fucking plan? No deviating,” he screamed, the vein in the forehead popping out like mad, and my fingers itched to press it back in.

“I needed an excuse to call the emergency services, so sor-ray that a bloody branch caught fire. Mrs. Packard was absolutely fine,” I said, throwing my hands up in the air. “Never mind the fact I managed to get the meds that bitch had been feeding her for who knows how long. I feel like your EMT ‘buddy’” — I air quoted— “would have struggled without me. You’re welcome, by the way.”

He released an exacerbated breath and got up from his chair and went to pour himself a drink. He’d been doing that a lot lately.

“I’m fucking done, Will,” I continued, since apparently, I didn’t know when to shut up. “You never say ’good job Stevie,′ or ′creative execution, Stevie,′ it’s always ′you fucked up, Stevie′ or ′you’re not good enough because you have a pussy, Stevie.’”

Will threw the glass tumbler against the wall, making me jump. The liquid slid down the white paint, collecting in a pool on the floor. He rounded on me in a flash, his hands holding either side of the chair, effectively caging me in. His nostrils flared as he breathed heavily, his eyes wide and bloodshot.

“Never have I once said you’re not good enough because you’re a woman,” he snarled through clenched teeth. “Any assassin can kill, Stevie. I need you to take your emotions out of a job and judge the situation unperturbed. Never show how you feel on the outside, lock that shit down, and keep it hidden. I need to know you won’t get yourself hurt, get caught or worse, that you won’t turn back into that seventeen-year-old shell-shocked little girl I saved you from.”

My breath hitched at the mention of my first time. It had been eleven years, and although I had put it behind me, the guilt I harboured for my sister back then was still just as potent now. I swallowed and gave a shallow nod.

“And since I don’t know that you won’t do anything stupid, I’ll be asking Alex to keep a close eye on you with the Weston case.”

“Kiss my ass, Will,” I said in a low voice, matching his snarl. “Just because I still have a smidge of morality left and you don’t, doesn’t mean I need a babysitter.”

He scowled at me, his face so close to mine that if I wanted to, I could kiss the tip of his nose to piss him off. I wouldn’t, though. I hadn’t seen Will this on edge ever. So instead, I decided to push further with words. “Why is Jake even of interest to you? I should at least have more information if I am going to succeed.”

“Jacob Weston,” Will emphasised, as if shortening his name was a disgusting fuck up on my part, “is none of your concern, Stevie. He is very important to me, and I may need something from him later. So do your job and keep your legs closed. I do not operate a whorehouse, and I require better from you.”

I smacked him across the cheek so hard my hand stung. Will’s eyes widened as the print from my hand rose across his face.

“You do not get to dictate who I open my legs for, William,” I seethed. The leather armrests creaked under the pressure of Will’s tightening hands.

“This bratty little girl act is getting old, Stevie. Grow the fuck up.” He pushed away from my chair, the air getting marginally lighter as he went to fetch a fresh glass.

There was a ball lodged in my throat which ached with all the unspoken words I wanted to release. I let my eyes fall closed, inhaling for the count of three and recounting on the exhale. I swear if he wasn’t like family, I would have put a knife in his gut for speaking to me like that.

My legs felt heavy with rage as I stood up and walked towards his office door.

“Is that everything, sir?” I asked through gritted teeth, holding the door handle tight in my hand. After I got no response, I opened the door and slammed it behind me, making the artwork fixed to the wall outside shake on impact. Monica watched me with a timid expression on her face, practically shaking as she whispered goodbye as the elevator doors closed.

The buzz of my phone in my back pocket and the flash of Jake’s contact on the screen worked to dispel some of the irritation that had taken residence alongside my blood cells.

Jake: One pm, tomorrow - a car will collect you. Wear something nice.

Jake and I had been texting on and off since he gave me that spectacular orgasm, and I could not stop thinking about him. I’d accepted phase two, which I correctly guessed as ‘seduce’ but between him running a company and me committing a murder, amongst other crimes, we hadn’t had exactly a chance to meet again.

Stevie: I have a very busy schedule, Mr. Weston. I’ll need to check my diary.

Jake: I will make it worth your while.

Stevie: I’m not too sure, Jake. How will you do that exactly?

Jake: Don’t wear any underwear and you’ll find out.

Jake: And that isn’t a suggestion or request, Stefany.

I sucked in my bottom lip to stop the stupid grin that wanted to make its way to my face. I knew as soon as I walked into the lobby, Will would be watching the CCTV, and if he suspected for even a second my smile was because of Jake, I’d be sure he would be buying Alex one of those kiddie harness things parents use on their children since he’d be playing a glorified babysitter.

Schooling my emotions, I pocketed my phone and strolled out of the elevator, flipping off the security camera with a scowl as I pushed the glass turnstile doors out to the bright sunshine.