Page 46 of Ruby Revenge

“You should have listened. They found you. There’s no getting out of it.”

“You can let me go. I’ll go out through the window. They would never have to know you helped me,” I pleaded.

He didn’t say anything, and I could hear his rapid breathing.

“Please. You came and warned me. You don’t want me to go back with them. You can make this right. You told me you feel guilty about my sister. If that’s true, then show it.” I was trying anything to get him to let go of me.

“I did help. I warned you. This is my family. I can’t just let you go. Five other guys are outside the house. There’s no way out of this.”

“Please let me try,” I cried.

“You have that taser of yours on you?” he asked with apprehension.

“No, it’s in my bag, and Alex has it.” His grip loosened slightly at my words.

“If you go through that window and get caught, you better not say a word that I let you go,” he growled in my ear.

“I won’t.” I was telling the truth. As much as I despised him, he was the only one who had helped me—in his own twisted way. And he was willing to do it again. I wouldn’t turn on him; this might not be the last time I needed him. Suddenly, the bathroom door opened, and Alex walked in. Niko quickly let go of my hair but kept me pressed up against the wall.

“Your girlfriend thought it would be a good idea to make a run for it,” Niko sneered. His demeanor completely changed the second his brother entered the room. I gazed at Alex and met his unrecognizable cold stare. In his hand was the stun gun.

“You’ve changed. I used to be able to tell when you lied,” he said as he slid the stun gun into his pocket.

I didn’t respond and leaned my head against the wall. I couldn’t see a way out. All these months had been for nothing. When I’d found Kiara, there was a chance. To expose them. But not anymore. Now I would become another missing person.

An idea flashed into my mind. It probably wouldn’t work. But I had to try. I just needed to get Alex alone. Niko stepped back from me but kept me in his grasp.

He looked at Alex. “This is your thing. Where do you want her?” He talked as if I wasn’t standing right there.

“She can go with us in her car. Geo will take your truck back home.”

Niko nodded and led me back outside with Alex on my other side. They knew exactly where my car was parked, and it made me wonder how long they’d been watching. Alex dug for the keys in the bag. He was about to get into the driver’s seat as Niko opened the back door for me.

“Wait. I don’t want to sit near Niko.”

Niko glared at me. “You’re not sitting back here by yourself—”

“I figured that,” I interrupted sharply. “I’d rather sit near Alex. At least I know for sure he didn’t murder my sister.”

The brothers looked at each other, and Niko shrugged as Alex handed him the keys. I slid into the back seat, and Alex followed close behind. It was surreal—to be in the back seat of my own car. Next to my old boyfriend, who I had thought was dead. Niko pulled onto the main road and started driving.

The motel sign flashed as we entered the parking lot, and a shiver ran through me. They knew where I was staying. Niko dug through my bag until he found the motel key and then got out of the car. I looked at Alex, but he was staring straight ahead. His body was tense, probably to be ready if I tried anything. Niko was back in a few minutes and threw my two bags into the passenger seat before he headed toward the highway.

No one spoke. The tension was almost tangible. I didn’t even know where we were going. Or how long I was going to be stuck in the car with them.

“I thought you wanted to talk,” I said quietly, wondering what they planned to do with me. I needed time to work out my new plan.

“We’ll wait until we’re alone and out of the car,” Alex murmured as he kept looking out the window.

“We’re just going to sit in silence for the whole drive? Where are we going?”

“Back to my place, for now. It’s just outside Capac.”

“Alex, I’m sorry.”

“You’re sorry?”

“For hurting you—”

“Sage, you stabbed me.”