“She said you broke quite a few bones.” Ned says it like he’s proud, and a smile lights up his face.

“He’s lucky that’s all I did,” Jasper growls, his hand tightening in mine.

Ned smiles even bigger, and so does my mom. She starts to edge off Ned’s lap as if she’s trying to get closer to us.

“So…” She lets that one word hang in the air.

“Jasper and I—” I start, but Jasper cuts me off.

“Libby is moving in with me.” Jasper’s words are final. There is no question-and-answer portion to this event.

No one says anything for a few moments as my mom stares at us.

“She’s mine.”

“Thank fuck,” Ned sighs as my mom leaps from the chair and comes flying at me once again. I stand up and she pulls me in for another hug. Jasper doesn’t let go of my hand as he stands next to me.

“I’m so excited,” she whispers in my ear. “You guys have taken forever to tell us.” She pulls back and narrows her eyes at me like when I’m in trouble. “We don’t keep secrets. We’re a family.”

I see a trace of hurt in her eyes, and guilt hits me. Normally, I tell her everything. It was hard keeping this from her.

“I should have said something sooner,” Jasper cuts in. “I knew what was happening.”

“I just wondered what took so long,” my mom says, taking a step back. Jasper puts his arms around me and pulls me close.

“I called him and told him she was thinking about dating. He was here five minutes later. Seems pretty fast,” Ned says.

Mom rolls her eyes at Ned’s words.

“I never said anything about dating anyone,” I protest. I still have no idea what he’s talking about.

“I know, but my boy needed a little kick, so I gave him one. It was getting old watching you two mope around like you were never going to be together.”

I stare at both of them in disbelief. Jasper laughs.

“You don’t care? What if something happens? The gossip around town? If we break up and it rips this family apart?”

“We’re not breaking up,” Jasper growls.

“This family will never break up,” Ned growls himself. “I don’t give a fuck what anyone thinks about us as long as we’re happy.”

“He has your growl,” Mom says to Ned. That was kinda freaky close. I have to fight a smile at that.

“This seems so easy,” I mutter, still shocked they aren’t mad or even disappointed in us. They’re happy. Excited. No one is even forbidding me from moving in with Jasper.

“Love is easy, baby.” Mom smiles up at Ned, and he leans in, giving her a kiss. “It’s all the other crap that can make it hard, and we will never be the something that makes it harder for you two.”

“How long have you guys thought something was happening between us?” I ask.

“Libby, you used to say you were going to marry him all the time when you were younger,” Mom laughs, and I blush at the reminder.

“Are going to marry, not were,” Jasper corrects, and I have to stop an eye-roll of my own. My mom looks even more excited than before.

“As for Jasper, I’ve known for a long time. Probably from the start. The look he had the first time he saw you. I had the same stupid, shocked look when I saw your mom, Libby. Couldn’t form a sentence for a good two minutes.”

“Then he asked me to marry him two minutes after that,” Mom adds.

I remember the story. My mom tells me it all the time. Love at first sight. Maybe that’s what we were, too. Just too young to understand it.

“You two are lucky. You found each other younger. No years will be missed,” Mom says.

I look over at Jasper, who’s staring down at me, and he smiles. His hand comes up, his thumb brushing my cheek, and in that moment my whole world falls into place.



Five months later…

“Turn your face in the pillow, baby girl. Don’t want Mom and Dad to hear you.”

I thrust into her from behind, and I feel her tight cunt squeeze me. She’s only four months pregnant, but her ass is already getting rounder. I fucking love it. I hope she keeps it after the baby, along with her fat tits, too. They’re already so sensitive that when I slip my hand under her and pinch her nipple, she cries out. The muffled sounds are quiet in the dark, and I swear to God she’s soaking wet with trying to sneak a fuck in her old bedroom.

It’s Christmas Eve, and Mom and Dad wanted us all here for the night before as in past years. We decided to sleep in Libby’s bed so I could get in her pussy in her room like I always wanted to.

“Fuck. I used to dream about this. Coming in your room while you were sleeping and pushing your shirt up. Climbing on top of you and slipping my dick in your wet little pussy. I always wondered if you’d be wet and if you’d even wake up. Or if you’d pretend to be asleep and let me do it.”