And it’s then I know he wasn’t lying. He would chase me no matter where I ran to. My only hope is that I can fix this before he finds me.



I make a second loop through downtown, and I want to break my steering wheel in half with frustration. I can’t find Libby. I thought maybe she would come downtown or go to Nicole’s house, but she wasn’t in either place. When I rode by Owen’s house and saw his truck wasn’t there, my suspicions were confirmed, and I started to look for him. I would bet the balance of my bank account, which is pretty fucking hefty, that he’s got something to do with her running out like she did. Libby might have been upset with the situation, but she’s never run from me before.

I think for a second about where he would go, and then it hits me. I turn my truck around, making a U-turn in the middle of Main Street, and gun it back towards the lake. I remember guys in high school talking about taking girls out there to fuck, and I have a sinking feeling in my stomach he’s got my Libby.

It’s not a long drive, and I’m there faster than any speed limit would allow. It’s a long gravel road, and I gun it, kicking up rocks and dust as I go. When I get close to the clearing, I spot Libby’s car, and I make a sound somewhere between a snarl and a growl when I see Owen’s truck in the distance.

“That motherfucking snake,” I say through clenched teeth, sliding my truck in next to her car and jumping out.

My blood runs ice-cold when I hear Libby’s scream. I run as fast as I can, my longs legs eating up the distance between me and my girl in a matter of seconds. But it’s not fast enough, and I feel like I’m running through sand.

When I reach Owen’s truck, I round the front of it and see he’s got Libby pinned against it as his hands pull at her clothes. My vision turns red, and I react. I use one hand to grab him by the hair on the back of his head, and I use the other to grab his shirt. I pick him up off the ground and body slam him back down to it before I start kicking him.

My heavy-booted foot lands on his side, and he cries out in pain. Good. I want him to scream just as loud as he was making my precious Libby scream. I want him to know fear like he showed her, and I want this motherfucker to never lay a hand on anyone ever again.

Reaching out, I grab his arm and hold it out. Then I bring my boot down on it, hearing the bone break. His scream turns to a piercing cry, but it’s soon drowned out by the sound of sirens.

I’m sure my driving in town caught the attention of the sheriff, and I’m thankful they’re on their way. I lean down, giving Owen a punch to the side of his face that’s unmarked.

“You so much as breathe the same air as my sister again and I’ll bury you where no one will ever find your sorry ass. You got me?”

“Yes,” Owen groans as he rolls to his side and starts to cry.

I turn around and see Libby on the ground in front the truck, tears in her eyes as she watches the whole thing. I walk to her carefully and kneel in front of her. The adrenaline is fading, and all I want to do is hold her, but I don’t want to scare her.

“Baby girl. Talk to me. Are you okay?”

She turns her red-rimmed eyes on mine, and for a moment, I’m terrified she won’t ever look at me again. That somehow I’ve ruined everything between us, and not because of what we’ve done, but because I’ve reacted so violently. I hold my breath, waiting for her to say something, but she surprises me by throwing herself into my arms.

I scoop her up and hold her close, carrying her away from where Owen is crying like a bitch. I carry her all the way to my truck, hearing her quiet sniffles as I walk. When the sheriff pulls up and gets out, he comes over to us and tries to assess the situation.

“Mind telling me what’s going on, Jasper?”

That’s the thing about living in a town the size of ours. The cops know everyone, including our parents, so they don’t have to ask a ton of questions. And normally, things can be sorted out without any real interference.

“Owen assaulted my girl, and I beat the shit out of him.” Libby stiffens a fraction in my arms, and I wonder which part of that statement makes her uneasy. “I’m gonna take her home now and make sure she’s all right. I’ll send my dad out to get her car later.”