Page 53 of Liars (The Triad 2)


The next few days passed in a blur. Men were coming and going every few hours to touch base and have little meetings that were so boring I ended up skipping out on them and watching more trash TV with Kenna. Niko had gone back to London to help keep shit under control there with Simon. But Finn was hanging around with us, keeping Kenna entertained when I had to be with the boys, and trying to get on my good side when we all hung out together.

“Are you sure the neighbors aren’t going to call the cops?” Kenna asked for the third time in the last twenty-four hours. “You guys literally look like you’re running a drug ring out of this small suburban home.”

“It isn’t small,” Seb mumbled.

“Even if they did,” I told her, giving Seb a look that told him not to fucking start, “these assholes have their fingers in every pie. It would be fine.”

“Got our fingers in your pie.” Seb laughed to himself. I rolled my eyes and ignored him.

“Alright,” Tristan said as he walked into the living room. “Motshan got back to Simon. It’s a go. He’ll be here tonight at five.”

“Oh, great,” Elliot said. “Right as it gets dark. Wonder why that is.” His tone was weighed down with sarcasm.

“A little optimistic thinking, please, Elliot,” I begged. He had turned into his usual sour self the past few days with all the men, the planning, and, of course, the whole meeting with Motshan that he didn’t agree with. He was fighting with me hourly about how stupid my decisions were. I knew that his worries came from a good place, but if he didn’t chill the fuck out, I was going to take out my frustrations on him in a way he wouldn’t enjoy.

“So, we have, what?” Kenna asked, looking up at the clock on the wall. “Two hours to prepare for this?”

“Two hours,” I agreed, looking around at everyone. “Let’s do this.”

* * *

“He isn’t going to want any of you in here,” I told all three of my guys. We were standing in the living room, anxiously looking through the curtains, waiting for the headlights we were all expecting. “He’s going to want me alone.”

“I really don’t like this,” Elliot said again. “I have a really bad fucking feeling.”

“You always have a bad feeling, big guy,” I joked, nudging his side with my body. “Honestly, there’s nothing else we can really do at this point,” I told him. “I can’t stay here forever. You guys can’t stay here forever. At some point this shit needs to be settled. And I really think Motshan can be the missing link to all of that. If he’s anything like he used to be, or if he will at least hear me out…this could be the way to finish this and get back to our lives.”

Tristan leaned over and kissed my hair.

“We aren’t going to leave you completely alone,” he said. “You guys can have the room to yourselves, but we aren’t leaving the house. Our men will be outside, making rounds around the house, and we’ll be inside but just out of earshot to give you guys privacy. If you yell though, we’ll hear you.”

“And Finn will be upstairs in my bedroom with Kenna,” Seb said. “It’s the one that’s set back the furthest. Makes sense to keep her as far away from it all as possible.”

“Headlights,” Finn said from the window.

“Showtime,” I said, my stomach suddenly swirling with nerves. I hadn’t seen him in so long. I was terrified and excited all at once. I wanted him to be the same boy I knew all those years ago: friendly, kind, and funny. But the boys had gotten into my head. Maybe they had taken him away from me to train him, groom him, and turn him into my dad. I shivered at the thought.

“Good luck, babe,” Kenna said, kissing my cheek.

She walked upstairs with Finn, leaving just me, Tristan, Seb, and Elliot in the living room. There were about ten guys outside, walking around the house and the neighborhood, always on the lookout for any type of ambush.

I walked over to the window and watched the sleek car pull into the driveway. Motshan stepped out and looked around, pushing a hand through his neatly styled hair. The sun was almost completely set, and as he looked up at the window, we locked eyes, and he lifted his hand in a wave.

I waved back and let the curtain fall.

“Alright, you guys go away. Let me get this shit over with.”

“I will literally disembowel him if he so much as lays a finger on you with any sort of attitude,” Seb said. I gave him a salute and let them each give me a kiss before making my way over to the door.

My heart was trying to make its way out of my chest. I wanted this to go well. I needed it to go well. He knocked on the door and took a deep breath, trying to control my racing heart. I was torn between wanting to throw myself on him for a hug and playing it cool, not letting him see me with my emotions on display. I didn’t know what to expect with him, and it was throwing me off my game.

I finally twisted the knob and opened the door. God, he had gotten older. And taller. His black hair was slicked back, accentuating cheekbones that could cut glass. His eyes were still my eyes, crystal clear and blue. But there was something about him that screamed maturity now, no longer a little boy running through the halls playing hide-and-seek with his cousin.

“Scarlet,” he said with a smile. He opened his arms, welcoming me in for a hug. I could’ve cried with relief.

“Motshan,” I breathed, walking into his arms and wrapping mine around him. “You’re so tall!” I told him.

“And you’re not,” he said, his Romanian accent giving his voice a certain lilt. He laughed and mussed my hair before walking the rest of the way in the house. He looked around, taking in his surroundings before gesturing towards the living room, asking if that was where we were going.

“Yeah, yeah,” I said, closing the front door and leading him inside. “I don’t even know where to start,” I admitted, sitting on the couch across from him. “How have you been? Where have you been? How did they get you back here?”

“Well, I’ve been stuck in Romania with the family until a few weeks ago. They randomly brought me back—well, your dad did. I guess I’m here to run this stupid business once he decides to retire or kick the bucket.” He settled back into the couch and crossed an ankle on a knee. “Unless you want it…”