Page 47 of Liars (The Triad 2)


I was jumping up and down on the balls of my feet while Elliot and Tristan strung up our little plaything from the ceiling. There was a secret basement under the garage that Elliot’s family had put in for a torture room of sorts. Well, was it technically a torture room? No. It was a wine cellar. But it would work just fine for what I needed to use it for.

Kenna had gone straight to the living room, leaving all the dirty work to us. Not that I minded—I wanted all the dirty work. And I wanted my woman to watch as I did it. I could feel the adrenaline running its course through my body, making me jittery. I was like an addict craving his next fix while it was dangling right in front of him, ripe for the picking.

“I’m staying,” Scarlet said to Elliot as he tried to pull her up the stairs.

“Fuck’s sake,” he said, turning his attention on me. “Do not scar her for life,” he warned as he pointed a finger in my face.

“She stabbed a guy like twenty times in the chest and then came all over my leg, El. I think she’s fine,” I told him. Scarlet grabbed his jaw and gave him a kiss before slapping his ass and gesturing for him to leave. Tristan laughed and whispered something in her ear that made her blush before he left as well.

The door shut above us, leaving us down here with just the glow of a utility light on the floor. Her family’s little spy was hanging from the ceiling by his hands, keeping him just high enough that he could touch his toes to the floor. I had knocked him out in the car after he wouldn’t stop thrashing and causing a scene, so I walked over to him and slapped him a few times.

“Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey!” I sang and heard Scarlet laugh behind me. It was going to be fun torturing this asshole with her watching. I wondered if she would get wetter the worse I got. I fucking hoped so. Maybe she’d let me fuck her next to his dead body.

He was still gagged, so when he came to, he blinked against the weird lighting and then started flailing and screaming through the cloth in his mouth. I advanced on him, making his eyes go wide with fear and his feet flail on the floor, trying to get away from me.

I grabbed his jaw, getting my face in his. He was an ugly fucker, pockmarked and red-faced. His beady little eyes were filled with terror as he took me in. I slapped his face lightly a few times, watching him flinch.

“I’m going to take this gag out,” I told him. “Because I have some questions I want answers to, and you can’t quite answer them like this. But,” I said with a dramatic pause, turning to look back at Scarlet, who watched with a smile on her face, “but if you make a scene, I will torture and kill you. Savvy?”

He nodded quickly.

“Good boy,” I told him as I ripped off the duct tape in one swift yank. He spat the cloth out of his mouth and took deep gulps of air. “What’s your name?” I asked him.

He looked over my shoulder at Scarlet and then back at me.

“Don’t fucking look at her,” I said as I swung the blade in my hand out and across the underside of his bicep. He screamed, and it was fucking music to my ears.


“Was that so hard?” I asked him. “Nice to meet you, Gary. Now, I have a few questions about who you work for. Think your little brain can manage that?”

He gave me a look that I really didn’t appreciate, but I chose to ignore it since he nodded swiftly after.

“You work for her family?”

“Yes,” he hissed.

“And I’m guessing they sent you here to keep an eye on us?”


“How’d you find us?”

He smiled and rolled his eyes. I tilted my head at the gesture and sliced into his other arm. He cried out and lifted his legs to try and kick me. I backed up and felt Scarlet come up behind me and wrap her arms around my waist. Her breasts pressed into my back and made my dick swell with need.

“He asked you a question,” she said. “But if you don’t want to answer, you don’t have to. I’d actually love to watch him cut you up until you bleed out. That shit turns me on, and it’s been a solid twelve hours since I last had any dick. So, go ahead. Test his patience.”

“Fuck,” I groaned, dropping my head back and soaking up the sensation of her hand cupping and pressing against my hard cock.

“Fucking whore gypsy,” he said and spat towards us. I saw fucking red.

“What the fuck did you just call her?” I asked, peeling myself away from her and getting back in his face. I lifted his shirt and made three quick cuts across his stomach. He screamed and jerked, causing the blood to flow more freely over his skin. “You don’t get to talk to her like that and live, dickhead.”

He was panting as I used my knife to cut all of his clothes away from his body, leaving his boxers. I didn’t want to see his disgusting flaccid micropenis, and neither did Scarlet. His pants reeked of piss, and I swallowed against my gag reflex as I threw them to the side. I stood and made circles around his hanging body, humming before bursting out into song.

“I’ve got a lovely bunch of coconuts,” I sang, dancing around his hanging body while idly flipping my knife in my hand. I made some fast cuts along his back, soaking up his screams like they were my fucking life source. “There they are all standing in a row, pop, pop, pop!” I continued singing and slashing. I looked for Scarlet, and she stared at me while her hand moved inside her jeans, her body leaning against the wall.

“Naughty girl,” I said, pointing the knife in her direction. “Don’t have too much fun without me, princess.” She winked, and I went back to my plaything.

“Big ones, tall ones, some as big as your head!” I sang, holding the knife to the corner of his mouth. “Give them a twist, a flick of the wrist,” I continued, pressing hard enough into his skin to make blood bloom. “Answer my fucking question, cunt. How’d you find us?”

“I followed you, you dumb fuck.”

“Your tone is hurtful, Gary,” I said, a frown forming on my face. I pressed a bit harder into his mouth, relishing in the sharp intake of breath and his eyes going wider. “But I’ll let it slide for now. Why does her family want her?”

His blood was flowing freely from all of his cuts, staining his legs and the floor red. Behind me, I could hear Scarlet’s heavy breathing and breathy little moans. This shit needed to end soon. Her pleasure belonged to me, and he was making me miss out on all the fun.