Page 44 of Liars (The Triad 2)

“What do you think? Should we?” I asked them both.

“I think if we don’t, she’s going to be one pissed-off Polly that she was left out of something. Especially after what happened the last time we left her out,” Seb said. “You know, like, the whole kidnapping thing.”

Elliot snorted.

“Fair point,” I said. “I’ll tell her. Be ready by six.”

“Can’t wait to get the fuck out of this house. We’ve spent far too much time together in this small space,” Elliot said before walking off into the living room and sitting down on the couch and pulling Scarlet into his lap.

“I’m starting to think you guys can’t go longer than thirty minutes without touching her,” Kenna said, rolling her eyes.

“Aww, K-Shizzle,” Seb said, walking over and mussing the top of Kenna’s head. “I can hook you up with one of the guys if you want.”

“No you fucking will not!” Scarlet yelled at him. “All those guys are walking disasters, and she does not need to be dragged into this shit.”

“I’m telling the boys you said that,” I told her, falling down on the couch next to them. “Finn is going to be so hurt.” She gave me a look and flipped me off.

“Is he hot though?” Kenna asked, a teasing smile on her face.

“Don’t, Ken,” Scarlet said, holding up her hand in Kenna’s direction. “Don’t encourage them.”

I made eye contact with her and winked.

“I’ll introduce you,” I told her.

Scarlet threw me a dirty look before swiftly changing the subject. But I couldn’t help but notice Kenna’s cheeks turning pink.