Page 33 of Liars (The Triad 2)


“Okay, when you said we were going to get Scar’s old roommate for her Christmas present, I just assumed you meant you had discussed it with her.”

I looked over at T and gave him a confused look.

“Where’s the fun in that?”

“Seb,” he sighed as he shook his head. “We can’t just break in to Kenna’s home and take her!”

“Why not?” I asked. “We just took Scarlet.”

We were sitting in our car outside Kenna’s apartment building. In my defense, I thought doing things this way made a lot more sense. I’d had her vetted by the boys, and she was clean. She had absolutely no ties to anyone we needed to worry about. She was just some girl in London. And if we just walked in and took her, it prevented anyone from finding out we planned to take her to Scarlet, therefore eliminating any other issues that might pop up.

“Scarlet was different.”

“Scarlet is different,” I agreed. “Anyway, let’s get this over with. I want to get home to my girl.”

“Our girl,” he growled. I rolled my eyes at him. In my opinion, he hadn’t done much yet to earn her back, but whatever. If Scarlet was happy to have him back, I would let it go.

We both got out of the car and made our way into the apartment building. It really was far too easy to get into the place, and the stairwell smelled like stale piss. It made my stomach turn to think of my Scarlet living in a place like this. Thank god we had kidnapped her.

Once we made it to her door, I reared back to kick it open, but Tristan stopped me.

“You really think Scarlet is going to be okay with this? Kidnapping Kenna and scaring the shit out of her? Also, kicking down her door seems a bit extreme.”

“We’ll pay to have it fixed,” I pouted. I wanted the dramatics of a good surprise, so before he could actually stop me, I swung my booted foot and kicked it in. I heard Kenna scream from somewhere inside and smiled at Tristan’s pissed-off face. “You’re so cute when you’re pissy,” I told him, pinching his cheek before stepping into the flat.

“What the fuck do you two want?” Kenna all but screamed as we both stepped into her living room. It was a dingy thing, poorly lit with a sofa and a chair that had definitely seen better days. Kenna was sitting on the sofa, a bowl of cereal in her hands and the TV playing some trashy reality show. “Where’s Scarlet?”

“Excuse Sebastian and his flair for the dramatic,” Tristan said, stepping around me and taking in the living room. Kenna sat her bowl down onto the coffee table and gave us both appraising looks.

“Where’s Man Bun?” she asked.

“Babysitting.” I shrugged.

“We thought maybe you’d like to see Scarlet?” T asked her. Her eyes went wide for a moment before she recovered. I could tell she was gearing up for a fight. Those brown eyes of hers sparked up just like Scarlet’s did before she tried to rip me a new one for something stupid I did.

“Yeah, this isn’t up for debate,” I said before stalking over to her, grabbing her around the hips, and throwing her over my shoulder. She let out another scream and started punching my ass. “You leave a bruise and you’ll have Scar to answer to,” I told her. “She’s very fond of my ass.”

“Sebastian,” Tristan warned. I laughed and held her tightly behind her knees as she continued her assault. He sighed and pointed towards the door. “Get her down to the car before she makes a scene. I’ll grab some shit from her room.”

“See what you did?” I asked her as we made our way down the stairs. “You went and pissed him off. Now we’re going to have to sit in the car with grumpy Tristan for the next few hours.”

“What the actual fuck is happening right now?” she asked. She gave up her fight as I crossed the road to the blacked-out Maserati.

“You are going to be Scarlet’s surprise Christmas present!” I told her excitedly. I couldn’t wait to get her back to the safe house and surprise Scarlet. I hoped she cried. She was always so fucking pretty with tears falling over her cheeks.

“Good to know Scarlet is still alive,” she deadpanned as I tossed her into the back seat. “Nice car,” she said, running her hands over the soft leather seats. I clicked on the child’s lock and shut the door and then did the same on the other side before sliding into the passenger seat. “Scarlet isn’t, like, chained up in your basement like a dog, is she?”

“Kenna,” I said as I turned around to face her. “I’m appalled you would think so little of us.” She snorted and rolled her eyes, looking out the window and watching T cross the road with a bag packed full of her stuff. He opened the back door and set it on the seat next to her.

“Sorry,” he said before shutting the door and climbing into the driver’s seat.

“What are you sorry for?” I asked him.

“I’m apologizing to Kenna because you just kicked down her fucking door, and you fireman carried her out of her flat. We just kidnapped her. If we had done it like normal people, we would’ve contacted her first and asked her if she would like to visit Scarlet as a surprise.” His stern look stayed trained on me for a minute before he started the car.

“Not really on brand for you guys to do things the right way,” Kenna chimed in from the back seat.

“See?” I said to Tristan. “Even Kenna agrees this was the correct way to do it.”

“I didn’t say that,” she said.

“No one asked you, Kenna Kardashian.”

“Don’t call me that,” she said as she kicked the back of my seat.

“Don’t kick my fucking car seats!” Tristan said, slapping her feet off the leather. “I just had this car detailed. I’d appreciate it staying clean for longer than two fucking days!” Kenna started murmuring to herself, and I turned back around in my seat.

“Will you please drive us back to our girl now?” I asked as I buckled myself up.

“Oh, she’s our girl again?” he asked with a raised eyebrow.

“Until you fuck up again. Then she goes back to just being mine.”

Kenna, surprisingly, was quiet in the back as we drove off towards the safe house. If she wondered about our relationship with Scarlet, she didn’t say anything. Maybe she was waiting to talk to Scarlet herself. I couldn’t wait to get back to her. I was missing her scent, her taste, and her moans. We had only been gone a few days, but I was addicted to her and going into serious withdrawals.

Elliot wasn’t very forthcoming about their time together, but he had told us they were getting along and had gotten past whatever shit it was he was holding against her. Tristan hadn’t pushed for any details and told me to leave it alone, but I wanted to hear every dirty detail there was.

I wondered if he had shown her his fun side, tying her up and fucking her while she was a helpless little thing. Did she scream for him? How pretty and gaping did her used little pussy look after he used that monster on her?

My dick started to swell at the thought, and I leaned my seat back, palming over my jeans. I couldn’t wait to get back to her, feeling her perfect little cunt grip my cock and pull me in. I wanted her nipples between my teeth and my hands wrapped around her throat. I loved it when I choked her so hard she could just open her mouth in pleasure, not making a sound as her eyes rolled into the back of her head.