Page 24 of Liars (The Triad 2)


I didn’t know how I did it, but I convinced Tristan to let us stay and make sure Scarlet was recovering for a few days before we took off back to London. Neither one of us let her out of our sight for long. She acted like the fussing over her was smothering and would push us away every once in a while with a laugh, but we could all see through it.

Her eyes didn’t have the same mischievous glow behind them anymore. She was struggling with her demons, and neither one of us wanted to leave her to struggle alone. Almost every night, even if one of us was with her, she would wake up screaming and, on occasion, try to beat the living shit out of us.

“Seb?” she asked as she rolled over and threw a leg over my waist.

“Pet?” I answered her, turning to look at her soft face. Even in just the week we’d had her back, she’d started to look healthier. I was thankful I was able to convince Tristan to let us stay the extra days, but today had come more quickly than I thought it would. I had barely been able to sleep. I lay in bed, listening to the sound of her breathing and hoping the sun wouldn’t rise. I didn’t want to leave her in Elliot’s care.

“Were you planning on saying goodbye?” she asked as she rolled on top of me slowly, pushing herself further under the covers. She disappeared under them with a smile, and her hot mouth left a trail of kisses from one side of my hips to the other, biting the skin hard enough to leave marks. My cock instantly took notice of where she was going and sprung to attention.

“Scarlet,” I groaned as she dug her nails into my thighs and teased her tongue up my shaft, bringing it fully to life.

“Hm?” she moaned as her lips wrapped around my head. The suction, the heat, and the little ball of her piercing was heaven, but when she sank down completely and I felt the constricting muscles of her throat, I almost exploded on the spot.

“Scarlet!” I warned, grabbing her by the hair and pulling her demon mouth off my cock. She smiled up at me before trying to force herself back down. “Alright, pet,” I said as I pulled her up and draped her over my body. She laughed and then took my mouth in a violent kiss.

“Can’t handle a blow job, my little cinnamon roll?” she said in between kisses along my jaw.

“Please don’t use the word little right now,” I groaned as she gripped my dick and teased her slit with the head. My hips had a mind of their own and began lifting with each pass she made across her wet heat.

“Aw, Seb,” she cooed, stroking me and sending hot shocks through my spine. “Are you about to come undone for me?”

“Enough.” I gripped her waist and flipped her onto her back, sliding inside of her at the same time. Her back arched, and the most beautiful gasp fell out of her open mouth. Those icy blue eyes rolled and closed as she ground her hips against mine.

“Fucking finally,” she moaned, clawing her nails down my back and then gripping my ass. The bite of her nails brought me back down to Earth as I started to move inside of her. “Stop treating me like I’m broken, and fuck me, Sebastian.”

Who was I to deny my little pet?

Propping both of her ankles on my shoulders, I kissed the inside of her calf before rutting into her like a man possessed. My thumb circled her clit, and I watched her tits bounce with each thrust inside her. She positioned her hands on the headboard, holding herself in place while I tried to fuck her into the mattress.

I pushed both her legs off me, slipping free of her and leaning over her to grab a pillow before shoving it under her hips, giving me a better angle. She closed her eyes with a gasp as I pushed back inside of her. I watched as she began rubbing her clit and squeezing a nipple, working her body just the way she liked. There was nothing hotter to me than watching her touch herself, taking what she needed.

“Keep hitting that spot,” she said between each thrust I gave her.

“Look at me,” I told her. Her breathing became shallow, and her eyes opened and locked with mine.

“There’s my girl,” I said. “Let me see how pretty you are when you come.”

She let out a little whimper, and then I felt her cunt around my cock, ripping my own orgasm from my body. I fell forward with a shout, crushing and grinding our bodies together as we came, her arms and legs wrapping around me and holding our sweaty bodies together. Our breaths mixed as we pressed our foreheads together, coming back into ourselves.

“Thank you,” she whispered.

“For the orgasm?” I asked, playfully kissing the tip of her nose. “You’re welcome.” I flopped to the side of her, panting like I had just run a marathon.

“Seb,” she laughed. “Shut up. No, I meant thank you for not treating me like I can’t handle anything physically or mentally anymore. You and Tristan have got to stop babying me, or we’ll never get back to normal.”

I looked over at her, taking in her pale skin, still discolored with green and yellow fading bruises, and felt my stomach turn. I had seen enough bruises and cuts on myself and others to last me a lifetime. Over the years, I had become almost immune to seeing death and destruction around me. It was a part of life. But every day that I saw them on Scar’s body, it sent me spiraling.

“That! That look right there!” she said in an exasperated tone as she stood up from the bed. “That’s what I’m tired of seeing every time you guys look at me! Get the fuck over it! I’m healing. I’ll be fine, and I can handle Grumpy while you’re gone.”

She swung open my bedroom door, stark fucking naked with my cum dripping down her thighs, and walked down the hallway to her room, slamming the door. I pressed the heels of my hands into my eyes until I saw sparks. She was right. We really needed to stop treating her like glass, but knowing I was about to leave her here with Elliot had me on edge.

“Trouble in paradise, brother?” Elliot asked, leaning against my doorframe. He was doing that a lot lately, showing up when he wasn’t needed or wanted.

“Why’re you lurking around the house at this hour?” Everything he did lately annoyed the shit out of me. Now with us leaving Scarlet alone with him while we went to London made him fucking unbearable.

“Heard the commotion. Thought I might check it out, see if the bitch had finally turned and tried to kill you.”

I could hear the smugness in his voice, so when I finally turned my head to look at him, it didn’t surprise me to see him smirking. I was really tempted to get my naked ass up and knee him again for calling her a bitch, but he wasn’t worth the expended effort. So instead, I flipped him off.

“Mature,” he said. “I’m going to the garage to get a workout in before you guys take off. If you want a little brushup on your skills before you leave, let me know. Could probably use it.”

“You’re lucky I’m exhausted postorgasm, or I would get out of this bed and beat your ass while I’m still naked, and that would just be so embarrassing for you.”

He scoffed and walked off as I went back to vigorously rubbing the shit out of my eyes. We were going to leave in a few hours, and there was no way I was going back to sleep knowing I’d pissed Scarlet off. So instead, I made myself get up and get dressed to take Elliot up on his offer. Maybe throwing punches at his pretty face would help me get out of my head.