Page 35 of Liars (The Triad 2)


“They will literally never believe you made all of this,” Elliot said as he walked back inside. He had taken the trash out for me, effectively hiding the evidence of takeaway containers. I looked at the spread on the dining room table. I had decided on Italian. I figured it was the easiest type of food to pretend I made. How hard was it to make some pasta and sauce?

“It’s pasta!” I chastised him. “They really aren’t going to believe I made some fucking pasta?”

Elliot just smiled and shrugged before walking off to look out the living room windows for the guys. They were due back any moment, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on them. I was excited to have all my boys together under one roof…and possibly in my bed. That could prove to be fun.

“What’re you thinking about?” Elliot asked, turning his attention back to me.

“Me? Nothing.” I smiled and started pulling plates out of the cabinets. “Can you get the champagne, please?”

His arms were suddenly around my waist, pulling my ass into his hips, where I could already feel him starting to swell. Elliot was insatiable. I thought Sebastian had been the one that was going to ruin me, but Elliot took sex to a whole new level. He was ready to go any time of the day. It didn’t matter if we had just gone for a round, he was more than willing to give me orgasms until he was hard again.

“You had that look on your face,” he whispered in my ear before nibbling on it.

“What look?” I asked, leaning back into the solid wall of him.

“That look when you need a cock to fill one of your holes.” He pressed hot, openmouthed kisses down my neck, pushing my hair out of the way to get access to more of my skin.

“I have a look for that?” I asked with a smile, tilting my head to the side, trying to give him as much access as he needed. I thought about Tristan and Seb walking in the house, catching us close together, and it sent a thrill through me. Would they watch? Would they want to join in?

“Of course you do, my little slut.” He bit down hard on my shoulder, making me gasp and push my ass harder against him. I could already feel myself getting wet and excited for the promises he was whispering in my ear. “Would you like it if they walked in while I fucked you on the counter? Do you like the idea of them watching me stretch you and listening to your moans as I hit that perfect little spot inside you?”

He turned me around and lifted me by the hips, sitting me down on top of the counter as he settled between my thighs. He was so tall that he still had to bend over to level his face with mine. His eyes roamed over my face like he was creating a mental map, drinking me in and memorizing every little freckle and wrinkle.

Elliot leaned in slowly, making me anticipate his next move. I watched with anxious eyes as he got closer, his breath fanning across my mouth. His lips brushed across mine with the lightest touch, making my breath catch in my throat.

And then the front door crashed open, and I looked over to see an eager Sebastian running towards me. I laughed as he made his way over with a determined look on his face. He pushed Elliot out of the way and took his place between my thighs. His hands gripped my face.

“Hi,” I said.

“Hi, baby,” he said with a panty-melting smile and then kissed me like his damn life depended on it. He could’ve sucked my soul right out of my body he kissed me so hard. His tongue darted into my mouth, warring with mine as I fought right back. I threw my arms around his neck and pulled him as close to my body as I possibly could.

“Get a fucking room,” Elliot mumbled as he sat plates out at the table.

“Set an extra place,” Seb said to the side once we came up for air.

“What do you mean?” I asked him.

He leaned in and kissed my nose.

“Happy Christmas, little pet,” he said and helped me down from the counter. He nodded towards the door, and I watched as Tristan walked in with someone else behind him.

No, I thought to myself. It couldn’t be.


She walked into the house, her eyes wary. My heart soared at seeing her again. I pushed Seb out of the way, ignoring his fake sounds of protest, and ran over to her. She smiled as I took her in my arms, lifting up her small frame and letting her wrap herself around me like a koala.

“Bitch, did you send your kidnappers to bring me here? Because I really don’t like the idea of being held captive.”

I set her back down on her feet and grabbed her face, smushing it and looking her over.

“I missed you,” I told her.

“Hey, princess,” Tristan said, leaning down to kiss my cheek. “Happy Christmas.”

“Hi, handsome,” I said, turning and standing on my tiptoes to take his mouth in a kiss. Kenna watched us all with blatant curiosity. She had to have so many questions. I knew I would have if I were in her shoes.

“Why don’t you two get food and go catch up?” Tristan suggested. “Seb and I will tell Elliot about the trip, and we’ll come see you later, okay?” He kissed the top of my head, and I smiled, taking Kenna’s hand and pulling her over to the kitchen to fill our plates with food. “Can you guys help me get all the bags?” Tristan asked Seb and Elliot.

I saw them both roll their eyes, knowing it was just an excuse to give me and Kenna the room for a moment, but I was thankful. Kenna visibly relaxed once they were out the door.

“Are you fucking all of them?” she asked, her eyes wide as I filled her plate. I let out a loud cackle and leaned over to kiss her cheek.

“Oh, we have a lot to catch up on, Ken,” I told her with a laugh. “We can go up to my room. They’ll leave us alone.” I thought for a moment. “Well, I know Elliot and Tristan will. Seb may try to join. He’s a bit clingy,” I said with a smile on my face. “And he’s definitely going to try and get a threesome out of this.” I laughed at Kenna’s shocked face.

Once our plates were full, we made our way up to the room I was staying in. I cleared off the bed, and we sat down to eat. It was fucking delicious. There was no way any of them were going to think I had cooked it.

“Yeah, you definitely didn’t make this,” she said, shoving her mouth full. I wondered when the last time was that she had a decent meal. When we’d lived together, we pretty much survived off ramen and cereal.

“So,” I said between bites. “Ask away.”