Page 12 of Scars (The Triad 1)

I thought about how good she would look on my arm in a sexy little dress, her black hair around her shoulders, tattoos on display. She’d knock all of them on their asses and make all their wives green with envy. That could be entertaining.

“We’ll take her.”

“We’ll what?”

I cringed at how his voice reverberated around the room. “Keep your fucking voice down, Elliot. You’re like a brother to me, but I’m not going to sit here and let you yell at me or question my decisions.”

“We make decisions as a fucking team, not as a dictatorship.”

“Fine,” I said because he had a point. “We’ll vote on it.”

“Fuck,” he groaned and stood. “I know what Seb’s answer is, so fine. We take her. But I want to go on record saying if this blows up in our faces, this was not my idea and I was against it.”

“Yeah, yeah,” I said as he made his way out of the office. Probably off to work out. He was the bulkiest out of all three of us just because he had anger issues and liked to work his shit out on the weights instead of people. Maybe Scarlet could help him with that issue as well. I dug my phone out of my pocket and dialed.

“How can I help?” Emily was one of our personal assistants, and I figured she’d be the most qualified for the job of getting Scarlet dressed for the party.

“Emily, we are out at the Wheaton Estate for the foreseeable future, and I need you to get some things for us.”

“Go ahead.”

“I need you to bring a good selection of women’s clothing for the event at the nightclub tomorrow, size eight. Shoes, UK size five. We will also need most of our wardrobe brought here—we really only keep enough here for a long weekend.”

“Yes, sir. Anything else?”

“Not at the moment. Thank you, Emily.” I hung up the phone and made my way out to where I’d left Scarlet and found her asleep on the couch, snoring. Sebastian rubbed her feet while John Wick played on the TV. Seb looked up and gave me a shit-eating grin. A pang of jealousy cut me through the chest, and I forced it back down. The last thing we needed to be doing was fighting over a piece of ass.

“She’s coming with us to the party tomorrow,” I said quietly enough that it wouldn’t wake her. “Emily is bringing her a selection of clothes and bringing the rest of our stuff out here. I’m going to arrange for someone to stock the food.”

“You really think it’s a good idea to bring Emily out here to dress another woman?” He was referring to our past with Emily and how she had made her way through all of us at one point. But that was ancient history, and she was damn good at her job. I shrugged.

“Emily isn’t on the menu anymore. We don’t shit where we eat, remember?”

“Oh, I fully remember. And I don’t want her anyway. But that doesn’t mean she isn’t going to get jealous as shit when she sees her.”

“Fine. Keep an eye on her while she’s here. No one fucks with Scarlet.”

He continued to work her feet but smiled slowly. He could look sinister as fuck when he wanted to.

“Trust me, no one is laying a finger on her.”

With that, I walked off to make some more phone calls. If we were going to try and keep her, we needed to be prepared to stay out here for a while. At least until we could trust her. God knew how long that was going to take.