Page 31 of Scars (The Triad 1)


The next morning, I was training with Elliot when Sebastian found us. Elliot had me pinned, my face pressed hard into the mat, but when Sebastian came into the room, Elliot lost focus and I was able to swing my leg around and flip us over, pressing the imaginary knife against his throat. Sweat dripped off my face and onto his. He grimaced and let me win that round.

“Pinned ya, bitch.”

He rolled his eyes and pushed me off of him. I landed hard on my ass with an oomph.

“We got word that Derek and his crew will be downtown tonight. We’re going,” Seb said.

Elliot nodded and started pulling the tape off of his hands.

“Who’s Derek?” I asked.

“Head of a rival gang that’s been trying to get in on our drug trade. But they cut their shit with Fentanyl to make more, make it seem cheaper,” Sebastian explained. “And we don’t like that.”

“So, what’s the plan?” Elliot scoffed at me. “What?” I asked. Sometimes the way he looked at me made me want to punch him right in his pretty mouth, knock some of those teeth out, and bring his looks down to a human standard.

“We aren’t telling you shit,” he said as he lifted his shirt to wipe sweat from his face, and I nearly face-planted the mat just trying to get a good look at them. “You’ll stay home like a good little girl and be babysat.”

“Actually, El…” Sebastian trailed off.

“Oh, you have got to be kidding me,” Elliot said at the same time I yelled, “I get to come?”

“She gets to come,” Sebastian said through a smile. He looked at me like it was Christmas morning. “Ready to come play with me, pet? Get some last-minute practice in before your debut? Maybe you can spill some blood again tonight.”

“Uh, yes!” I said. “Let me just go get changed. I smell like sweat.”

“I happen to like your sweat,” he said, grabbing my bicep as I walked past him. He leaned his nose down to my neck and licked my shoulder to my ear, sending heat through my entire body.

“How did you convince Tristan to let her come?” Elliot asked, breaking our little bubble.

“I didn’t,” he said, letting my arm go put pulling me under his. “It was Tristan’s idea, so if you have an issue with it, you can bring it up with him.” He turned me and led me out the door. “We leave at six!” he threw over his shoulder.

* * *

The entire drive into the city was filled with loud, angry music and absolutely zero conversation. I had run to the car, pushing Elliot’s big ass out of the way to get to the front seat thinking I would be able to have some sort of control over the radio, but Tristan gave me a firm look and shook his head. I hadn’t seen a lot of his scary looks since that first night, but that was definitely one I was going to obey. I wondered what that look would do to me in bed and mentally filed that thought away for another time.

We pulled up to an abandoned warehouse with Corpse blasting from the speakers, his deep voice filling my body with a nervous energy. I finally started to feel butterflies in my stomach. I couldn’t believe they had actually let me come. The guns resting against my sides felt heavier as we pulled into a darkened corner that looked like it used to be used as a loading dock. Tristan had strapped me with two guns—that was all I was permitted for this little outing. But he had also given me a couple of knives that I had strapped to my ankles, concealed by the boots I was wearing. Tristan turned the music down.

“This is where we’re going? When you said downtown, I thought it would be like a bar or a restaurant or something.” I felt three sets of eyes burn into my face, but I just ignored them and continued to look up at the warehouse. Elliot laughed and mumbled something under his breath that didn’t feel like a compliment.

“You thought there would be a drug trade operation happening out of a bar? Where are they going to make drugs in a bar?” Elliot asked.

“Whoa, whoa,” I said, turning to face them. “I thought when we were discussing this that we were just going to intercept them selling the drugs and scare the shit out of them. We are literally walking into the heart of their fucking business?”

“Yeah, babe,” Sebastian chimed in like an excited puppy. “Cut them off at the balls.”

I blew out a breath. “Alright then,” I said, yanking my hair up into a knot. “What’s the plan?”

“The plan is,” Tristan said, watching me with weary eyes. “The plan is you follow us in, but you stay back. I don’t want them knowing we have you with us. I don’t want you seen.”

“Then why the fuck am I even here? I thought I was here to help.”

“And how are you going to help, princess?” Elliot asked. On Seb’s mouth, princess sounded hot. On Elliot’s mouth, it sounded like an insult. I rolled my eyes.

“You guys seem to think I am some sort of pillow princess that has never lifted a finger in her life. I will have you know that growing up in a life like this makes you hard. Just because I came from wealth doesn’t mean that I was born with a silver spoon up my ass. I was expected to learn how to run a business, fight, and shoot to kill. So excuse the fuck out of me if I assumed I would be put to some use instead of having to hang back and watch like some sort of fifties housewife.”

I took a breath and looked at all of them. Sebastian and Tristan looked like scolded puppies, but Elliot just sat there, his arms crossed and a fucking smirk on his face that made me want to slap it off.

“The decision has been made. Hang back. Be a shadow. Let’s go.” Elliot opened his door and climbed out. The other guys followed suit, and I crawled out of mine with a huff, still pissed I wasn’t going to see any action. I felt ready. Sure, I hadn’t been training with Elliot for months, but I was a quick student, and I knew I could handle myself. And Seb had really sharpened my shooting skills. I knew I could fucking help, and I was just going to have to prove it to them.

Seb twisted a silencer onto the end of one of his many guns he had strapped to his body. I had watched him put each one on earlier, and it had gotten me so hot I had left the room to take a cold shower before getting dressed myself. I had stopped questioning the shit that made me horny lately. Clearly I was fucked in the head, but so were they, so whatever. I liked what I liked.

He pointed the gun at the thick chain keeping one of the side doors locked and shot. First try, that thing fell into a heap on the ground. When I looked at him, he just winked and pushed me behind him as they all filtered inside in front of me. It took a minute for my eyes to adjust in the darkness. It was dark outside, and there were zero lights on, so I just grabbed the back of Seb’s shirt and followed them down the empty hallways.

“Intel says they’re in the down downstairs,” Tristan whispered down our line of bodies. “When we get down there, Scar, I want you to stay hidden, but keep an eye out for anyone not in the main room. Give us a whistle if you see someone coming. Do not, I repeat, do not engage. Do you understand?”

I stared at him through the darkness. Had I heard him correctly?

“Did you just say ‘the down downstairs’?” I asked.

Seb laughed. “It’s what he calls the basement.” I held back my own laughter and heard an exasperated sigh come from the front of the line.

“Can you please just agree on our terms? Stay hidden, stay safe?” Tristan almost sounded embarrassed.

“Yes, sir,” I said in a sweet voice. Both Sebastian and Tristan groaned. Seb grabbed his crotch and looked back at me.

“Don’t say stuff like that right now, princess. I’m trying to focus, and I can’t focus if I want to tear those tight leather pants off of you and fuck you against the wall.” I pressed my thighs together at the thought but just nodded. The look in his eyes was all too serious.

“Can we please just go and get this over with? You both can get your dicks wet when we get home,” Grumpy sighed.

“At the same time? Yes, please.” Two more groans from Tristan and Seb.