Page 26 of Scars (The Triad 1)

I smirked, crawling up his spent body, and lay on top of him. He grabbed both sides of my face in his hands and kissed me hard, licking the roof of my mouth, my teeth, and tangling with my tongue. He wiped the tears off my cheeks when he broke the kiss.

“That was the hottest goddamn thing I’ve ever seen.” I smiled and kissed him again. “You didn’t have to do that, Scar,” he said against my mouth. “We aren’t trading sexual favors for your safety.”

I shrugged. “I wanted to.” I ran my hand through his still-damp hair. “You’ve been nice to me when you didn’t have to be.”

“Sebastian is going to kill me.”

I laughed and laid my head on his chest. “No, he isn’t. He’ll learn how to share.” I felt him tense underneath me before he took a breath and started drawing circles on my back with his fingers.

“I need to get dressed.” He kissed my hair, and I gently rolled off him, letting him get up and finish getting ready.

“Can you tell me something about how tonight is going to go? Just anything?”

He slipped on a pair of black boxer briefs that hugged his ass perfectly. “We’re meeting them on the border of our territory. At a restaurant.”

“Okay,” I drawled. “And what’s the plan? What are you going to tell them?” He sighed as he pulled on some dark pants and a button-up shirt. He turned around to face me as he rolled up his sleeves, exposing his strong forearms. “Just tell me, Tristan. I don’t know what you guys think I would do or could do with any information about what is happening tonight, seeing as I’m going to be heavily guarded by your men and have literally no way of contacting the outside world.”

“I’m going to tell them that we found you and are keeping you in exchange for them staying the fuck away from our business. If they want you to stay out of the family business, then we’ll keep you out of it. If they fuck with us, we’re going to say we will let you loose to claim your title.”

“They don’t know that I know it was them that put the hit out.”

“Yeah, we’re counting on that. If they try to play dumb and say that they want you back and they try to pay us off, we’ll just tell them we know it was them that tried to have you taken out. So they need to back off or we’ll tell them you know it was them and watch all hell break loose.” I nodded and leaned back on his pillows.

“You guys need to be careful,” I said as I stared at the ceiling. “My father always brings Samuel with him.” I took a deep breath, knowing I was about to feed them information that would see me killed twice over if my family found out.

“Who’s Samuel? We requested a meeting only with your father and his second, Mateus.”

“Samuel is the guy in the shadows. He will find a vantage point no matter where he is or where you guys are. He’s an excellent marksman, would give Seb a run for his money. You would never see it coming. And once my father finds out you have me, he may not hesitate to use him.”

Tristan pondered this for a moment before nodding and going back into his bathroom. “Then we’ll just have to have our own sniper join us. Make sure the playing field is a little more even.”

Sebastian knocked and walked in, looking like the devil himself dressed in all black and covered in tattoos. He looked down at my T-shirt, still bunched up around my hips, and grinned like a wolf.

“Well, well, what happened here?” he asked as he leaned against the doorframe. I smiled and pulled my shirt down as I climbed off the bed.

“Just spreading the love around,” I said as I drew up on my tiptoes and kissed him hard on the mouth. His fingertips dug into my hips, and I could already feel his arousal pushing into my belly. Too bad they didn’t have time to play. “Be careful,” I said as I broke the kiss. “All of you!” I said a little louder so that Tristan could hear from where he was.

“Always, babe,” Seb said and smacked my ass as I walked out of Tristan’s room and made my way downstairs to the kitchen. If I was going to have to sit in the house, alone all night, worried sick about those idiots, I was going to do it with an ample amount of snacks and liquor.