Page 21 of Scars (The Triad 1)


Sebastian held true to his word. We had sex three more times that night, and by the end, I was begging him to stop. I had never had that many orgasms within that short of a time frame, and I was pretty sure my pussy was going to short-circuit. When I woke up, it was with a hangover and a very sore body. Sebastian’s arm was draped across my torso, and his breathing was even.

I slipped out from under him and threw on a T-shirt before sneaking out of the room and down to the kitchen. Every step was a bit painful, sending very clear memories of all the incredible sex I had had in the last few hours. Sebastian was right—I would be remembering what he felt like all day. I remembered the way to the kitchen pretty easily, and lucky me, sitting at the table was Elliot, looking like a tatted Li Shang with that man bun and those muscles. He was, of course, shirtless because all of these guys seemed to like to torture me.

“Good morning, sunshine!”

He looked up at my cheery greeting and raised his eyebrows as he took in my bare legs. “Sounded like you and Sebastian had a fun night last night.” I made my way to the pantry and rooted around until I found the sugariest cereal they had. “Judging by the bruises, I’d say you’re feeling a little sore.”

“You,” I said, pointing the box of cereal in his direction as I made my way to the fridge to get the milk, “just sound jealous.” He scoffed and went back to reading the newspaper. “Who even reads the newspaper anymore? I thought only middle-aged dads sat around in the morning reading the sports section.”

He ignored me, so I continued to make my bowl of cereal. I jumped up onto the counter and watched him read while I ate. I looked over at the microwave. 10:00 a.m. I couldn’t remember the last time I had been able to sleep that late.

“Hey, where’s Tristan?”


“Because I want to talk to him about my role.”

Elliot sighed and laid his paper down on the table, crossing his arms. “Get your dirty, bare ass off our clean counter and maybe I’ll tell you.”

“It’s not dirty,” I said as I hopped off and put my bowl in the sink. “Sebastian took very good care cleaning me up last night.” I winked at him and got an eye roll in return.

“He’s in the music room,” he said as he picked back up his paper.

“There’s a music room?”

He threw his head back and rubbed his eyes. “You are fucking insufferable. Yes, there is a music room. There are many rooms. It’s on the other side of the house, ground floor, back right-hand side. Just keep following the hallways and you’ll eventually hear him drumming away in there. Now please, leave me alone.”

I held up my hands in mock surrender and made my way out of the kitchen.

It wasn’t as hard to make my way around the house as I thought it would be. Since I was pointed in the general direction, it only took me a couple of minutes to find him. The closer I got, the louder the drumming became. I had no clue that Tristan was a drummer, and I couldn’t tell if he was good or not because honestly all drummers just sounded like they were banging on shit.

But when I opened the door a crack and saw him shirtless, his blond hair flying in all different directions as he twirled the drumsticks and beat the shit out of those drums, I decided it didn’t really matter if he was any good. Because he looked damn good doing it.

I opened the door the rest of the way and walked in, taking a look around. There were soundproofing squares scattered around all the walls, comfy couches and bean bag chairs, and all different kinds of instruments dotted around the room. He looked up at me and smirked as I took a seat in one of the bean bag chairs relatively close to his drum set. He stopped and turned towards me, twirling and tossing the drumsticks around in his hands like a nervous habit.

“What can I help you with today, Scarlet?” He was out of breath, his muscled chest moving with the effort. I gave him a long look before answering, my eyes snagging on the bars in his nipples.

“I was wondering if I could be put to work soon? I’m going to get bored around here if all there is to do is watch TV.”

“It’s kind of cute that you think I would trust you so soon to access our private files.”

I groaned and rolled my eyes. “What am I going to do with all your precious files? It’s not like I have anyone to sell that shit to.” He just gave me a pointed look. “Fine. I get it. First thing on the list: earn your trust. What am I supposed to do until then?” He smiled and rolled one of the drumsticks between his knuckles. It made me very curious as to what those fingers could do elsewhere.

“I was thinking we could get your fighting skills back up to par. Elliot is a great trainer. I’m sure he’ll whip you into shape quite quickly.”

“Oh, fuck me, Tristan,” I groaned.

“I think you need a break after Seb, babe. Maybe next time.” He winked at me, and I flipped him off even though my very sore pussy clenched at the thought. She needed to calm down and take a breather before trying to convince me to jump right back into bed with one, if not all three, of these guys.

“Turn of phrase, asshole. Sorry if I’m not super stoked to be training with the big guy. He’s really not that fond of me, and I’m pretty sure he is going to love beating the crap out of me on the mat.”

Tristan laughed and stood to hover over me. He held out his hand and helped me up off the chair.

“Let’s go, little Scar,” he said as he ran a finger across the scar on my jaw. “Let’s go find him and show you where the gym is. After you train with him for a bit, we can have lunch and then take you outside to have some target practice. You’ll be happy to hear that will be Seb. We’re all a good shot, but Seb takes the cake. He’s an excellent marksman.”

“And you’re just too busy running all your ‘businesses’ to help little ole me, right?”

“Right,” he laughed.

Tristan didn’t let go of my hand as we wandered the hallways, him pointing out different rooms as we made our way back to the front of the house. He sent me off to change while he fetched Elliot. I figured with all the clothes they had brought from my old place, they had grabbed everything, including all my workout gear. Sebastian was nowhere to be found when I got back to my room, so I quickly got changed, threw my hair up in a bun, and made my way back downstairs.

“Let’s go, Elliot. Time to get this little thing back in shape,” Tristan said as he took my hand again. Elliot followed the movement and rubbed his hands over his face. I was very positive Elliot was about to take out a lot of frustrations on me. This was not going to be pleasant.

“I would like to point out that I am not out of shape,” I said as we walked off. “I am just out of practice. There’s a difference. I continued to work out while I was on the run.”