“I’m pretty sure you haven’t. They’re good, though. Come along if you’re free, I can introduce you.”

David nods, a grin unfurling on his lips. “Sounds like a plan. Count me in.”

When I get upstairs, Alex is bouncing off the walls, buzzed on adrenaline and anticipation. Before I can even close the doors he grabs Max out of my hands and starts dancing him around the room. He sings to him loudly, sweeping him up and down, and I’m grinning like a lunatic.

“What caused that smile, gorgeous?” Alex moves back towards me, pulling me into his free arm. His hand cups my hip, fingers digging in deliciously as he bends his head to my neck and presses his lips there. I breathe him in, fresh and clean from a shower, hair glistening and moulded into an almost quiff.

He’s all gel and rolled-up sleeves. There’s no collar on his t-shirt, so I can see the dark inked scrolls that lick up from his chest and shoulders peeking out from the material. Even though Max is in his arms, I can’t help but trace them with my fingers, feeling him tense up as I flutter my hand against his skin.

“Maybe Max should have a nap.” Alex’s voice is thick. “He seems really tired.”

Max starts babbling again; sleep is clearly the furthest thing from his mind.

“He’s not due another nap until this evening.” I try not to laugh at the disappointment on Alex’s face. He stares at me through narrowed eyes, and I smile in response. I’m caught somewhere in the middle of turned-on and amused.

“He seems really tired,” Alex repeats. “And those lips of yours look really empty.”

I know where he’s going with this; I feel like playing.

“They are. Really empty. Desperate to be filled.”

“Then put the baby to bed,” he growls.

I lean forward and press my mouth to Alex’s. He kisses me back, his movements heated. Cupping my chin, he angles my head, slowly running his tongue along the seam of my lips. “Put the baby to bed, now, Lara.”

As if he knows he’s being talked about, Max lets out an almighty shout and then hits us both in the face. Not softly, either; there’s nothing about his slap that could be classified as a ‘love tap’. He’s forceful, and my skin stings from the impact.

“Ow.” I pull back, rubbing my chin with my palm. Either Alex is sturdier than me, or Max didn’t hit him as hard, because he doesn’t appear to be wincing. “I don’t think the baby wants to go to sleep.”

“Little cockblocker.” Alex nuzzles Max affectionately. Then he whacks me on the bottom.

“Hey, that hurt.”

“It was supposed to. A gentle reminder that your arse is mine. Tonight. When Max is asleep.”

I flutter my eyelids at him and turn to walk into the kitchen, sending him a coquettish smile over

my shoulder as I walk. “My arse is always yours, darling. And if you can manage anything after being on stage followed by God knows how many pints of lager, I’ll be impressed.”

“You’re always impressed,” he shouts. I pretend not to hear him, but he carries on, anyway. “And so you should be. I’m fucking impressive.”

“I’m not impressed by your modesty,” I sing out, opening the cupboard to find some rice. I bite down on my lip in my efforts not to smile. I love it when he’s home. With all the nights he’s been practising, and weekends at the recording studios, I’ve missed this.

“It’s not my modesty you want to be thinking about. It’s my hard, dirty…”

“Max is listening!” I peek my head around the door. “Do you want his first word to be ‘cock’?”

“You said it, not me.” He laughs, his eyes sparkling. “I can’t believe you’re teaching our son dirty words. Wait until I tell Mum.”

“You do that and I’ll tell her that you tried to make me suck you off while our son was wide awake. Imagine her horror.”

He puts Max in his green and blue striped chair, and the baby starts to bounce and kick happily. When Alex stands up, he looks at me, still peeking around the door. His hands are on his hips, eyes narrowed.

“Are you threatening me?”

A little thrill shoots through me. I love it when Alex is playful, but his hard, strong side is what really turns me on. “What if I am?”

He walks towards me, bare feet slapping against the floorboards, the angles of his face sharp and strong. My heart starts to speed up. I know that look—intense, intent; Alex on heat.