‘Babe, somebody who’s not hungry doesn’t order a burger.’ She stared into his deep blue eyes, taking in the way the skin crinkled at the corners, from a lifetime of smiles. His skin was still tan in spite of the cold North East weather, his mop of blond hair framing it perfectly. ‘I’m saving money,’ she finally admitted, her voice low from embarrassment. ‘The divorce is taking much longer than I’d thought. I just had to send my lawyer a few thousand dollars.’ She licked her lips. ‘Thomas is being difficult.’

‘Sounds about right.’

‘We’re due to meet at the courthouse for mediation next week. Things should be better after we agree on the separation terms.’

‘If he agrees to anything.’

‘Of course he will.’ She didn’t sound convinced. ‘We both want what’s best for Poppy.’

Ryan opened his mouth to say something, then closed it again, rubbing his temples with his fingers as if to calm himself down. ‘So I guess we have two choices. Either you let me buy you a steak, or we leave and grab some takeout together. It’s up to you.’

‘Don’t be silly. I’m happy to have a burger, and you’ve been dying for a steak. We can stay here and eat.’

‘I’m not going to sit here and eat a steak while you eat a burger because that’s all you can afford. This is supposed to be a date, and I’d like to treat you. So what’s it to be, shall we just leave and get a takeout?’

‘But you’ve been jonesing after a steak all day, you said so yourself.’

‘London, I’ve been jonesing for you. I’d eat a sandwich if it meant I could sit with you. Steak or takeout, I don’t care. I just want to make you happy.’

There went her heart again, galloping like an out of control racehorse. She could tell by the way he was staring at her – hot and heavy – that he meant every word. The strength of his desire took her breath away.

It was on the tip of her tongue to say they’d get a takeout, then drag him home to bed. But he’d brought her out to eat steak, hadn’t he? It felt as though she’d be letting him down if they didn’t stay for dinner.

‘I guess I could eat a small steak,’ she said.

‘And a crab cake?’

A smile broke out across her face. ‘And that too.’

After ordering their food, Ryan reached out and took her hand in his, grinning widely. ‘You’ll need the energy for what I’ve got planned later.’

‘And what’s that?’ she asked, looking up at him through her eyelashes. ‘Are we running a marathon or something?’

‘No, London, I’m going to take you to bed and make love to you seven ways to Sunday.’ Reaching across the table, he took her hand in his, lifting it to his lips. But then he frowned, his smile dissolving into the air, as he stared over her shoulder.

A ripple of unease slithered down Juliet’s spine, making her sit up straight. She turned around to see the couple from two tables down staring at her and Ryan with narrowed eyes.

‘Oh shit, that’s Susan Stanhope.’ She swallowed, even though her mouth was dry. ‘And her husband Richard. He’s a golfing buddy of Thomas’s.’

‘I know. I’ve met them, remember?’

Of course. Susan’s son was in the same class as Charlie and Poppy. It didn’t make Juliet feel any better, though.

‘Do you think they saw you kiss my hand?’ she asked him, alarm making her freeze. ‘Do you think they’ll tell Thomas?’ She pulled her fingers from his grasp, and put her hands beneath the table, clasping them together tightly.

‘I don’t know,’ he answered honestly.

‘Two Maryland crab cakes,’ the waiter announced, sliding their plates in front of them. ‘Enjoy your appetisers.’

Taking a deep breath, she picked up her silverware, using her fork to prod at the crab cake. It crumbled at her touch. And though it looked – and smelled delicious – she didn’t think she could eat a thing.

Her appetite had completely gone.

They drove home in silence, passing houses lit up with early-December decorations, waving Santas and nodding reindeer nestled among lit-up evergreens. Juliet stared out of the partially misted windshield, trying to calm the torrent of thoughts that kept rushing through her mind.

‘You okay?’ Ryan asked her, finally breaking the quiet. He pulled up at a stoplight, about twenty minutes from home.

‘I don’t know if I’m okay,’ she admitted. The lights turned to green and he pressed his foot to the gas, slowly turning left towards Shaw Haven. ‘I wasn’t expecting to see anybody I knew there.’