‘What’s going on?’ She sat up, rubbing her eyes in an attempt to focus them. Looking around, she took everything in. Where was she?

The cabin.

Of his boat.


Oh holy hell.

Without thinking, she pulled the blankets up to cover her bare chest. Ryan watched her, a smirk playing at his lips, as though everything about her amused him.

‘What time is it?’ she asked, glancing around for her phone.

‘Just after four.’

‘Four? What the heck?’ She scrambled to her knees, still trying to cover her modesty. Her frantic movements were making him laugh, as he watched her, his eyes soft.

‘We should head back to the wharf soon, before it starts to get dark. It gets pretty cold on the water when the sun goes down, and I haven’t brought enough blankets.’

She rolled her lip between her teeth. ‘I didn’t realise it was so late. I must have slept for hours.’

‘About five. But who’s counting?’

Her spine straightened. ‘I’m counting. I can’t believe I was out for so long. You must have been bored out of your mind.’

‘On the contrary, I had a lot of fun. You’re interesting when you sleep.’ Ryan grinned. ‘Did you know you talk a lot when you’re dreaming?’

‘I do not.’

‘Oh, yeah you do. I’d tell you what you said but most of it was X-rated. Let’s just say that my name was one of the most used words.’

‘Stop it.’ Forgetting about her naked body, she scooted across the bed and hit him on the side of his arm. ‘You’re making it up.’

He caught her wrist, pulling her towards him. The covers fell from her body, revealing her flushed breasts and pale abdomen. The smile slid from his face, replaced by a longing that moulded his lips and narrowed his eyes. Reflecting the n

eed she felt for him.

‘Damn, London,’ he said, still holding to her tight. ‘My control’s about as strong as your punches right now, and we need to get back to the mooring. You want to hit me, save it for when we’re home.’

She opened her mouth to point out that they didn’t share a home. That when they got back to Shaw Haven, he’d be back in his house and she’d be back in hers. But as soon as she saw the warning in his eyes, she closed it again, her lips smacking together like a fish blowing bubbles.

Ryan kissed her softly on her brow. She could barely feel the pressure. Releasing her wrist, he ran his hands down her hair, twisting the strands through his fingers. ‘You should probably get dressed before I lose it altogether,’ he said, moving back and pulling a T-shirt over his wet hair.

‘What if I want you to lose it?’ She smiled at him.

He raised an eyebrow. ‘You want to see me out of control?’

She licked her dry lips. ‘Maybe.’

‘Then get dressed, London, and get your sweet little behind back on deck. We’ll sail back to the wharf and drive home. As soon as we walk through my front door I’ll show you exactly what I’m like when I lose it.’

She wasn’t sure whether it was a threat or a promise. Either way his words made her skin tingle and her heart race. The thought of Ryan Sutherland losing control in front of her was more tantalising than she could say. She couldn’t wait to see it.

The sun was almost setting by the time they’d tied the boat up on the jetty, casting a fiery glow over Chesapeake Bay as it slowly slid beneath the horizon. Ryan helped Juliet climb down from the deck, the rubber of her soles squeaking against the wooden planks of the boardwalk, her muscles complaining about the sudden jolt.

She was aching all over, from the delicious combination of sailing and sex. Unlike Ryan, she hadn’t had a chance to stand under the tiny showerhead in the cabin bathroom, and she still felt sweaty and slick from all their afternoon exertions.

She watched as he made his final checks on the deck, coiling up the rope and lowering the sail. He locked the door to the cabin, sliding the key and its cork key ring into his pocket, then climbed down to join her on the jetty.