‘Daddy’s here,’ Poppy called out.

She came running down the hallway, skidding to a stop beside Juliet. With wide eyes Juliet took in her daughter’s clothes. She was wearing a blue and white stripy top, red leggings and a pink fluffy tutu. On her feet were her very favourite silver sandals, glittering in the sunlight.

‘That’s a pretty outfit,’ Juliet said.

Poppy beamed. ‘I chose it all myself.’

‘I know.’ Juliet tried to smile. ‘All your favourite things at once. Are you sure you’re going to be okay in those sandals? It’s getting cold outside.’

Poppy nodded her head vigorously. ‘I’ve got socks on, see?’ She wiggled her toes. ‘I’ll be nice and cosy.’

Thomas knocking on the front door dashed any hopes of persuading her to put on something more suitable. Grabbing Poppy’s bags, Juliet stepped outside onto the porch.

‘Hello, sweetheart.’ Thomas leaned down to kiss his daughter’s head. Then he looked her up and down, and the familiar frown returned. ‘Are you going to get dressed before we go?’

An almost hysterical laugh bubbled up in Juliet’s throat. It took everything she had to swallow it down. ‘She is dressed.’

‘Do you like them?’ Poppy beamed at her father. ‘Aren’t I pretty?’ She took the edges of her tutu in her hands, dipping her legs to give him a curtsey.

‘You’re beautiful.’ He blinked as though something was caught in his eye. ‘But maybe you can put something a little smarter on. We’re going to breakfast with some of my business associates. One of your dresses would be perfect.’

Poppy’s lip trembled. ‘Don’t you like my clothes?’

‘Of course I do.’ He looked up at Juliet, as if expecting her to say something. He wasn’t used to talking to Poppy about clothes – they’d always been Juliet’s domain. He was a wide-eyed fish out of water.

‘Mommy liked them.’ Poppy looked up at Juliet. Her eyes were shining with tears. ‘You did, didn’t you, Mommy?’

Juliet took a deep breath, trying to find the right words. She didn’t want to dent her daughter’s confidence. She knew all too well how easily that was done. ‘I do, sweetheart. You look beautiful,’ Juliet said, stroking her daughter’s dark glossy hair. ‘But we didn’t know Daddy had planned to take you out, did we? Maybe you can go and change into a pretty dress, and wear these clothes tomorrow instead?’

Poppy opened her mouth to protest, but seeing the look on her father’s face she closed it again. ‘Okay. But I’m definitely wearing my sandals.’ She ran back to her room, leaving Juliet and Thomas alone at the front door.

‘Are you doing this on purpose?’ Thomas asked her. ‘You know what time I was picking her up, the least you can do is have her ready.’ He shook his head. ‘You’re making everything as difficult as you can.’

‘I didn’t know you were going out for breakfast,’ Juliet said, trying to keep her voice steady. Every conversation with Thomas seemed to be like walking a tightrope – one stumble and they were at each other’s throats.

Poppy appeared back by Juliet’s side, wearing a red jersey dress and a white cardigan. ‘I’m ready now.’ She smiled widely at her parents, unaware of the atmosphere bubbling between them.

‘You look beautiful,’ Juliet said, giving her daughter a big squeeze. She hated this bit, the saying goodbye for two days. Hated knowing she wouldn’t be tucking her daughter up in bed that night.

‘Yes you do. That dress is perfect. Now go get in the car, sweetheart,’ Thomas said, clicking the back door open with his keys. Juliet watched as her daughter skipped down the front path, then handed Thomas her small suitcase.

‘While you’re here, there was something I wanted to ask you,’ she said, as Thomas turned to leave. ‘Cesca’s getting married next year, and she wants Poppy to be her flower girl. Would that be okay with you?’

‘Where’s she getting married?’

‘In Scotland.’

Thomas tipped his head to the side, scrutinising her with unkind eyes. ‘We’re not allowed to take her out of the country until we agree the separatation terms, remember? And even after that we both have to consent to it.’

‘But it’s my sister’s wedding,’ Juliet said, trying not to sound panicked. ‘We’d only go for a few days. I promise I’ll bring her back.’

‘It’s what we agreed,’ Thomas said again, his tone measured. ‘Unless you want to start breaking your promises.’ He raised his eyebrows, as though he’d had a great idea. ‘If you’re that desperate, you could always go alone. Poppy can stay with us.’

The thought of leaving her daughter here while she travelled thousands of miles felt like an ice-cold spear poking at her spine. ‘I can’t do that.’

Thomas shrugged, the way he always did when it wasn’t his problem. ‘I have to go now. I’ll see you on Sunday. Try to be ready for us.’ With that, he walked down the pathway towards his car, tugging the driver’s door open and climbing in. Juliet watched them pull away, her whole body tense.

She wasn’t sure what made her look to her left, but when she did, her eyes met with his. Bright blue, piercing, half-obscured by sandy hair. Ryan Sutherland was staring at her, the strangest expression on his face.