‘They know how to cater for a crowd up here,’ Lachlan agreed. ‘They’ve been doing it for about five hundred years.’

Ryan laughed. ‘Practice makes perfect.’

‘Daddy, please can you tell Poppy I don’t want to dance any more?’ Charlie threw himself at Ryan, his eyes wide. ‘She keeps knocking me over with her dress. It’s stupid.’

‘It’s not stupid,’ Poppy said, running up to them. Her skirt caught on the edge of a bar stool, knocking against it and making it wobble. ‘It’s beautiful. Isn’t it, Ryan?’

He still hadn’t gotten the hang of intervening with their squabbles yet. ‘Yes it is,’ he agreed, nodding at her. ‘But maybe Charlie needs a break. Why don’t I get you both a drink?’

Where was Juliet anyway? He looked around in the direction she’d left. The door pushed open and she walked in, her face paler than he remembered. Lucy was walking next to her, and she patted her sister on the arm, then whispered something in her ear.

Lucy was the first to reach them. She smiled at Lachlan and took his hand. ‘Why don’t we go and check on the evening buffet,’ she suggested. ‘Poppy and Charlie, you can come with us. We might need your help.’

Juliet had reached them, and yes, she definitely looked pale. Ryan stared at her, willing her to look at him, too. And when she did, he felt his heart skip a beat. Jesus, she really was beautiful. But that beauty was more than skin deep. She was funny and kind, a great mother and businesswoman, but more than anything else she was his.

And he intended to keep it that way.

‘Are you okay?’ he murmured, reaching out for her hand. It was cold to the bone. He folded it in his, trying to warm her up.

‘Can we talk?’ she said, her voice quiet. ‘Somewhere private?’

He nodded, feeling perplexed. ‘Sure.’

They found a small room at the front of the lodge. It was filled with boxes, the cardboard covered with a layer of thick dust. As soon as Juliet walked in she sneezed. Then she wrinkled her nose in that adorable way, and Ryan couldn’t help but reach out for her. The need to touch her, to feel her against him, was so strong.

‘Are you okay?’ he murmured, pulling her close, feeling her body melt against his. ‘You’ve been acting strangely all day.’

‘I know.’ She shook her head against his shoulder. ‘I’ve been a mess.’

‘Is it the wedding?’ he asked her. ‘It must be hard, seeing your little sister getting married.’

‘No, it’s not that. I’m so happy for Cesca.’ Her face crumpled again. ‘I really am,’ she sobbed.

‘Baby, what’s wrong?’ He smoothed her tears away with the pad of his thumb. ‘Is it me? Are you upset that it’s not us getting married? Because we can, you know, and we will. When the time’s right.’

That only made her cry more. Shit, he was as bad at handling her emotions as he was with Charlie and Poppy’s arguments. Ryan licked his lips, pulling her against him tightly. She was so soft and supple against him.

‘I’ve messed up,’ she whispered against his shoulder. He could feel the fabric of his dress shirt moisten with her tears. ‘Please don’t be angry with me.’

‘Why would I be angry? I love you, remember?’ He tucked his finger beneath her chin, lifting her head until she was looking straight into his eyes. And he saw it there, the love, the passion and, hiding behind it, the fear. He brushed his lips against hers, feeling her exhale against his mouth. Damn if it didn’t make him want her all over again. ‘You can tell me anything, you know that.’

She closed her eyes for a moment, and he immediately missed her gaze. ‘It’s such a mad thing to happen,’ she whispered. ‘I’m not trying to tie you down or anything.’

‘You don’t tie me down. You set me free.’ He kissed her again, this time cupping her

face with his palm. ‘We fit together perfectly.’

‘A little too perfectly.’


She opened her eyelids. ‘I … ’ she sighed. ‘I mean we … we’re having a baby.’

‘What?’ It came out a little too loudly, but it was the last thing he’d expected to hear. ‘How did that happen?’

‘You want me to draw you a diagram?’

He couldn’t help but laugh. Juliet was looking so scared, her eyes wide, her expression tight. ‘Wow,’ he said quietly. ‘Another baby.’