And that was the truth, wasn’t it? As a child he’d longed to fit in. Longed to be part of some mythical happy family with a dad who loved him and a mom who protected him. Then when it hadn’t worked out that way, he’d spent half his life running away. Trying to persuade himself he didn’t need anybody else. That he was fine all on his own.

But now? Well, things had spun on a dime.

He had his own family now.

Maybe they weren’t traditional. But he and Juliet and their kids, along with Sheridan, Carl and their impending arrival, heck somehow they worked. And it felt so damned good.

Over his father’s shoulder, he saw her walking up the boardwalk, her red hair streaming behind her, not even hesitating when she saw them standing halfway down. She was wearing one of those sexy dresses again, the ones she wore to meetings at the bank and sessions at the court. Grey wool, tailored, clinging to her curves in a way that made his thoughts turn sinful.

‘You should probably go now,’ he said, unable to take his eyes off her. ‘My girlfriend’s here, and we have things to talk about.’

His father turned, following Ryan’s gaze. ‘You mean Thomas Marshall’s wife.’

This time Ryan couldn’t stop the grin from breaking out. ‘No I don’t. I mean my girlfriend. So please get off my wharf, you’re not welcome here.’

His father stared at him, his eyes tight. ‘You betrayed me. I won’t forget that.’

‘I don’t care whether you forget it or not. What you think is of zero importance to me. I have so many better things to occupy my mind.’

She was getting closer. Enough for Ryan to see the smile on her face as she met his impatient gaze. Enough for his hands to start clasping and unclasping with the need to touch her.

Every time he saw her, she was like a bright burst of sun on a crisp fall day. Welcome, warming, all-consuming.

‘London,’ he called out, ignoring his father still huffing next to him. ‘What are you trying to do to me in that dress?’

As she came within a few feet of them, her face fell for a moment as she recognised his dad. Ryan watched her as she took in a breath before squaring her shoulders.

‘Hey.’ She smiled at him. The smile fell off her face as she addressed his father. ‘Hello, Mr Sutherland.’

‘Ah, no need for the pleasantries,’ Ryan told her. ‘He’s just leaving.’

She raised an eyebrow. ‘He is? I hope it wasn’t something I said.’

Ryan laughed. ‘You didn’t say anything, babe.’ He reached for her, pulling her close against his side. The contact made his body relax almost instantly. ‘It’s more that he has nothing else to say.’

‘You’re right. I’ve got nothing to say to you,’ his father spat out. ‘I’m ashamed of you, messing around with a married woman. No wonder you broke your mother’s heart.’

Ryan couldn’t help it. ‘Hey, London, are you a married woman?’ he asked her.

She shook her head, beaming. ‘Nope.’

‘Didn’t think so.’ Though his words were calm, his heart was racing. He turned to his father. ‘Now get out of here. I want to talk to this beautiful woman.’

Stepping back, his father looked them up and down, a sneer pulling at the corner of his mouth. ‘This isn’t over,’ he warned. ‘Not by a long shot.’

‘It is for me,’ Ryan said. His tone left no room for argument. For a moment his father remained, his mouth opening and closing as if he was trying to find something to say. But then he turned on his heel and stomped back up the boardwalk, leaving a trail of sawdust behind him.

He was going to have a hell of a job trying to get it out of all his clothes.

Juliet reached up to stroke his cheek, her hand grazing the bristles there. ‘What was that all about?’

‘Ah, just my father being himself.’

‘Sounds as delightful as Thomas being Thomas.’

‘Those two are like peas in a pod,’ Ryan agreed. ‘So tell me, is it true? Is it really over?’ He turned until he was facing her.

She nodded slowly. ‘I’m no longer Mrs Juliet Marshall.’