The door to Grant and Kevin’s apartment opened, and Grant grinned at him, waving his purple cast like he was so damn happy to see him.

“Hey! We’re having a cookout at the pool this weekend. You’re coming, right?”

Rich blinked. “A cookout?”

“Yeah, on Saturday. It’s Kevin’s birthday and we thought what better excuse than that? Plus, we want to thank you and Meghan for all you did for Gloria while we were away.”

“I didn’t do much.”

“Apart from save her life.” Grant smiled. “And then check on her every day since. So it’ll be us, you, Gloria, Meghan and Isla, plus some friends from mine and Kevin’s work. We’ve booked some tables at the pool area, and a couple of the grills.”

“I’ll need to check my schedule.” The thought of being with Meghan and Isla made his heart ache.

And whose fault is that? He blinked, swallowing hard.

“But count me in, unless you hear otherwise.”

“Perfect.” Grant grinned. “I was hoping you can man one of the grills and Kevin can do the other. I’ll be hanging around looking pretty and maimed.” He waved his cast again.

“Sure.” Rich nodded. He looked over his shoulder at Meghan’s door, and ran his tongue along his dry lips. “So you’ve met Meghan and Isla then?”

“We have. It’s nice to even the sexes out a bit on this floor.” Grant lowered his voice. “It was getting a little too testosteroney for my liking.”

Rich nodded. There wasn’t anything else to say. Not that didn’t involve him begging Grant for more information on their neighbors. He wanted to know if they were okay. If Meghan was holding up. If she still hated him.

Of course she hates you. You’re an asshole.

“I’ll see you later,” Rich said, giving him a nod.

“On Saturday,” Grant reminded him. “Five o’clock. Don’t be late.”

He knew for a fact he wasn’t working. Sure, he could give some excuse for not being there. An appointment with Belle or an emergency at the hospital, but that would be stupid.

Meghan would be at the party. And he needed to see her.

Because he needed to find a way back into her life.


It was one of those Southern California summer days when the sun was beating down, baking the concrete and sand and everybody around it. The pool area was crowded – the die-hard swimming enthusiasts had been joined by the sunbathers, and even at just before five, there wasn’t a free lounger to be seen.

Rich blew out a mouthful of air as he walked toward the grill area, which lay between the pool and the parking lot. Tables were scattered between the grills, and half of them were already full. He could see Grant and Kevin at the far end, wearing matching llama t-shirts, each holding a bottle of beer.

“Rich!” Isla threw herself against him, curling her arms around his waist. “Where have you been? We’ve missed you.”

His chest tightened, as he hugged her. “I’ve missed you, too. How was L.A.?”

“It was amazing.” She looked up at him, her green eyes wide. “I have a new dad. Did you know that? He has a huge house and a pool and I learned how to dive. A real proper dive, not just tumbling in. You want to see?”

He glanced down at her dress. “Maybe later? I don’t think your mom would be happy if you got your clothes wet.”

Isla frowned. “No.” She was wearing the necklace he’d given her after her play, and it made his throat feel funny. “Maybe we can go swimming tomorrow?”

“If it’s okay with your mom, I’d like that,” he said gruffly. He looked up and saw Meghan watching them, her eyes wary. Her bottom lip was pulled between her teeth. She looked as nervous as he felt.

Isla skipped over to where Gloria was sitting with Grant’s mom, and now there was nobody standing between him and Meghan anymore.

With a determination that felt a little like fire in his stomach, he walked over to where she was standing, stopping a few feet short of her.