“You want me to take it off?” Her voice was teasing, but it didn’t stop him from imagining her perfect body beneath the cotton fabric. He’d kissed and licked her breasts last night until she’d arched her body beneath him, begging him to touch her where she needed him most.

And then he’d slid inside her, his eyes squeezing shut as the sensation overtook him. He had to take a deep breath for the blood not to rush to his groin at the memory.

“I’ll take it back when we’re inside.” And like the sap he was, he probably wouldn’t wash it for a while. “Right now it looks too good on you.”

Her smile widened, and he took the chair next to hers, inclining his head until she got the message and joined him there, sitting on his lap.

Curling her arms around his neck, she nuzzled against him, her breath heated as he hardened against her. She blinked at the sensation, a smile curling her lips.

“You can’t be serious. I don’t think I’m going to be able to walk for a week.”

Damn, he liked that he’d left her aching. “I could carry you everywhere.”

She laughed. “Wouldn’t that get people talking?”

“Let them.” He shrugged. “I don’t give a damn what anybody else thinks.”

“That’s because you’re a guy and peop

le don’t talk about you the way they talk about women. Especially single moms.”

Rich tipped his head to the side, brushing a lock of her flaming hair behind her ear. “People talk about you?”

“All the time. Especially when Isla was younger. They’d ask if I was her sister and then act all surprised when I said I was her mom. When I’d walk away I’d hear the whispers, and I’d try to keep my spine straight and my shoulders held back. There’s this strange mix of judgment and sympathy for single moms, and I didn’t want either of them.”

“Why are people like that?” He frowned, feeling protective at the thought of her facing that alone. “When I look at you all I see is this kick ass mom and businesswoman. Who happens to look damn hot in my t-shirt.”

She pressed a soft kiss to his cheek. He breathed her in, shifting because his hardness was almost painful now.

“Because traditionally we’re supposed to be all things. Virgins in public and whores in bed. Business women in the boardroom and superwomen in the house. And we’re our own worst enemies because we judge others for not reaching those heights. Instead of wondering why we set the bar that high in the first place.”

Rich ran his tongue over his bottom lip. She was right. When he’d helped bring up Belle there hadn’t been judgment at all. If anything he’d gotten praise for being such a devoted brother, for going to her school shows or driving her to art class. Simple things that anybody would do – yet somehow he was superman.

Whereas Meghan was judged everywhere she turned.

“That sucks.” He brushed his lips against hers. “I’m sorry.”

“It’s getting better every year. And by the time Isla’s a grown up, I hope that things will be better still. And I wouldn’t change my life with her for the world.”

He stroked his hand down her side and along her bare thigh, loving the way her lips parted and a little sigh escaped. “Talking of equality, how are you at DIY?” he asked, tracing circles over her skin.

She shifted in his lap, her eyelids heavy. “Why?”

“Because I’m thinking of knocking a hole between your bedroom and mine. It’s the easiest way.” He stroked her inner thigh with his thumb, making her squirm against him.

Her eyes sparkled. “A glory hole?”

He burst out laughing, curling his hands around her leg. “No. A glory hole’s only fun for one person. What I want to do involves both of us.”

“Have you ever used a glory hole?” she asked, tipping her head to the side.

“Never.” His brows knitted. “What do you take me for?”

“A thirty-six year old guy who’s way more experienced in life than I am. And in sex.” She swallowed, a chink of insecurity shining through.

“Does that worry you?” he asked. “That I’m more experienced than you?”

“It didn’t worry me last night.” She grinned. “But I guess I worry that I don’t know how to please you enough.”