Rich dragged his eyes from the monitor. “I am. It’s just everybody in cardiac keeps complaining about some hellcat causing mayhem in here. I had to see you for myself.”

“He’s very rude,” Gloria said to Meghan. “What happened to his bedside manner?”

Rich’s gaze connected with Meghan’s across the bed, and she had to remember how to breathe. Because she knew exactly how good his bedside manner was. A slow smile curled at his lips.

She found herself grinning stupidly back. Yep, his bedside manner was definitely perfect.

Rich pulled his gaze from Meghan’s and settled it on Gloria. “Have they told you what’s happening tomorrow?”

“I’m having some tests.”

“Yeah. Your rhythm is back to normal, thanks to the drugs, but they want to run an echocardiogram, which is like an ultrasound of your heart, just to make sure all is okay in there. They’ll do a lung x-ray, too. Once they have the results of those and your blood tests, they’ll make a decision on the next step.”

“They said they’ll hopefully release me after that.”

Rich nodded. “If you need any treatment it can be done as an outpatient. But I suspect it’ll mostly be monitoring you, and considering if a pacemaker can help. There are things that can cause atrial fibrillation, so they’ll want to narrow it all down. Plus they can’t wait to get rid of you. Since you’re so demanding and all.”

Gloria giggled, and Meghan bit down a smile. He was so damn good at this.

“And how was your day?” Rich asked, looking at her again.

“Busy. Yours?” She tried – and failed – not to flutter her eyelashes at him.

“It was very, very good.” He grinned. “From start to finish.”

Her skin felt all tingly. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“Not as glad as I am.”

Gloria turned to Meghan, an enquiring look on her face. “So you both had good days.”

Meghan looked down at her fingers, trying not to laugh. “Pretty much.”

“Well I’m glad somebody did,” Gloria huffed.

The doorway to her room darkened as another doctor walked in. This one was older than Rich, wearing a suit and tie beneath his white coat. He looked at Rich with an arched brow. “Are you trying to steal my patient?” he asked, with good humor.

“Nope. Just making sure she isn’t causing mayhem.”

“Rich is my neighbor,” Gloria said, as the doctor walked over to check her monitor. “He’s the one that brought me in.”

“I read about that. Good work.” The other doctor nodded at him. “I’m off for the day, but I’ll be back in the morning,” he said, turning to Gloria. “Do you have any questions before I leave?”

“I should go, too,” Meghan said, standing to kiss Gloria’s cheek. “Isla will be home soon. Do you need anything before I go?”

Gloria shook her head. “I’m all good.”

“I’ll walk you out,” Rich said, standing aside as Meghan made it to the door. She walked out to the hallway, her bare arm brushing against his. She felt his palm press against her lower back as they walked to the elevator and he leaned forward to push the call button.

“Are you okay?” he asked, tipping his head as he looked at her.

“I’m great.” She smiled, because who wouldn’t be great after last night?

“And Isla? Have you heard from her?”

“She called this morning to ask if she could stay with my folks for church and have them drop her home tonight. She’s having a ball.”

The corner of his lip quirked. “That’s good.”