“Yeah…” He glanced over her shoulder at her door. “I guess they do.” He reached out to tuck her hair behind her ear, his finger leaving a trail of fire on her sensitive skin. “Good night, Meghan.”

“Good night.” Her voice was soft. She could feel the thudding of her heart against her chest. Was it always going to be like this? Him touching and her body responding.

“You need to go inside.” He gestured at the door. “Do you have your key?”

She nodded, pulling it from her purse.

“Don’t open it until I’m at my apartment.” His voice was low.

“Why not?” She tipped her head to the side.

“You know why.” His eyes dipped to her lips.

He felt it, too. This thick, unending need. Her body pulsed at the knowledge. She lifted her key up, running her finger over the cool metal. “Come inside with me,” she said.

He blinked, his lips parting. Without moving his feet, he leaned forward, closing the distance between them.

The air throbbed around them, as his gaze lifted to hers. She could feel the pull of him, like there was a silken thread connecting their bodies, becoming tighter, shorter, until touching was an inevitability.

A door clicked open.

“Rich?” A tremulous voice echoed through the hall. He snapped back like he’d been slapped, turning to look over his shoulder. Gloria was st

anding in her doorway, her face pale, her fingers clutching the doorjamb so tightly her knuckles were bleached. “I don’t feel so good.”

Before Meghan could take a breath he was gone, over at the adjacent doorway, his hand gently touching Gloria’s arm. “What’s wrong?” he asked her, then looked over his shoulder at Meghan. “Can you get my medical bag? It’s in my apartment. In my bedroom.”

Meghan nodded, catching his keys as he tossed them. Gloria was so pale her skin looked almost luminescent. There was a sheen of sweat on her, reflecting in the lights.

“I fell, I think. I don’t remember.” She was breathless, as Rich took her into her apartment, his voice a reassuring murmur. Meghan let herself into his apartment, rushing across the beautifully polished floors and past the pale leather sofas toward what she hoped was his bedroom. Sure enough, a dark bag was on the chair in the corner of his room, along with a pair of jeans slung over the back of it, and some sneakers on the carpet beneath. She took the bag and ran out, his keys in one hand, the bag in the other. By the time she got back to Gloria’s apartment, she was breathless.

“Can you get me the stethoscope?” Rich asked. He was sitting on one of Gloria’s kitchen chairs, his hand holding her arm. It looked like he was taking her pulse. Meghan dug in the bag and passed the stethoscope to him, standing back uselessly as he hooked it around his neck and into his ears, leaning forward to push it through the neck of Gloria’s sweater.

“Do you feel dizzy?” he asked Gloria, his voice low.

“A little. I had to hold onto the sofa when I got up to make myself a cup of cocoa earlier.”

“How long have you been feeling like this?”

“I was off all day. I thought I was just tired. I haven’t been sleeping well.”

Rich nodded. His bedside – or chairside in this case – manner was so soothing. “Have you felt any palpitations?” He leaned in, his brow dipping as he listened to her heart.

“I’m not sure. Maybe. I got scared and felt my heart thudding a little.”

“I think we need to get you to the hospital.” He sat up and looked over at Meghan. His face was as ashen as Gloria’s. “Can you call an ambulance?”

Meghan nodded, dialing 911.

“Oh no. I don’t need to go.” Gloria’s eyes were wide and frightened. “I’ll just go to bed. I’ll be right as rain in the morning. You can check on me then.”

“We need to do an EKG and monitor your blood oxygen levels. I don’t have that kind of equipment here.” Gloria started to shake, tears shining in her eyes. “It’s okay, I’ll go with you,” he told her, his voice so soft you could wrap yourself up in it. “There’s no need to be afraid. I’ll be with you every step of the way.”

“But it’s night time. You should sleep.” Gloria’s eyes started to water.

“I’ll sleep once we’ve got you settled.” He looked over Meghan’s shoulder. “Can you go pack a bag for her? In case they keep her in?”

“Of course.” She was glad to be able to do something to help. She felt useless watching him hold Gloria’s hand as tears started to roll down her face.