“I didn’t mean to scare the little girl. I just wanted to see what you saw in Meghan. Wanted to know how to give that to you.”

“There’s nothing you can give me that’ll make me want you. Nothing. We went on two dates. That’s it. You can’t keep stalking me like this.” He wanted to hit something. How the hell had his life gotten this complicated?

A tear rolled down Carlyn’s cheek, and it made him feel like a prize asshole. But there was no way he could risk her thinking he had any feelings toward her. Not when Meghan and Isla’s safety was in danger.

“I’m sorry,” she said again, lifting her hand to wipe her tear away. “You were my first date after my divorce. I really thought we had something together. And my girlfriends said that maybe you were just busy, being a doctor and all. They said I needed to be a modern woman and take the lead.”

Rich raked his hand through his hair. “You didn’t need to do anything. We didn’t have anything. We don’t. I just want you to stay away from me. And from everybody I love.”

Her lips trembled. “I understand that you never want to see me again. And I promise not to come to the hospital or your apartment agai

n. Let me just put Belle’s show on and then I’ll never trouble you again.”

“Maybe we should just cancel it.” He grimaced, because he knew he couldn’t. It would hurt Belle too much. Dammit, this was out of control.

“Your sister has a lot of talent. And I have connections that could help her. Let me put on her show and then I’ll back off. Let her make the connections and see where they take her.” Carlyn’s voice was full of contrition. “She could be very successful. I know she could. And I don’t want to be the person who causes her to lose that.”

Rich’s stomach contracted. He never wanted to see Carlyn again. But this was Belle’s career they were talking about. “Okay. The show goes ahead, but I’m serious, don’t come near me, don’t bother me. Or I’ll get the law involved.”

“Of course.” Carlyn nodded rapidly. “The show is all about Belle. I won’t do anything to hurt her.”

Rich nodded and stood, his jaw twitching because he was desperate to get out of here. “As long as we’re clear.” If they weren’t, he was going to lose it.

“We are.” She nodded.

“Okay then.” He walked to her office door. He couldn’t wait to leave her gallery and breathe in some fresh ocean air.

“I’ll see you at the show,” Carlyn called after him. He nodded, but didn’t look back.

He’d gotten what he needed. She wouldn’t bother Meghan and Isla anymore. Now he just needed to stop himself from doing the same thing.

Rich: I spoke with Carlyn. She promised she won’t harass you or Isla again. I think she was being honest, but let me know if she doesn’t keep to her word.

Meghan scanned his message, her stomach tight as she read his name. She’d been expecting him to knock on the door, to tell her what had happened. Maybe to clear the air between them because right now it was thick as hell.

Instead, he’d sent the text message and she hadn’t heard a word from him since. Hadn’t even heard him come home from work or any noise from his apartment. He’d become the neighbor she never saw, like Kevin and Grant.

And she missed him.

She’d replied, of course. Two days ago. And she hadn’t heard a word from him since. So why the hell was she sitting here in the middle of the night re-reading a text exchange that was clearly over and done with?

He’d made it clear with his silence that he regretted their kiss. And there was no way she was going to mention it if he didn’t. But she missed her friend, missed smiling with him, talking with him, missed knowing there was somebody on her side.

She wanted to rewind time but she had no idea how to do that.

So instead they were both avoiding each other. And if she was being honest, it hurt a lot. He’d been a friend when she needed one. She hated that their kiss had messed everything up.


Meghan opened the back door of her Honda and Isla jumped out, a huge grin on her face as she ran up the path toward her grandparents’ large redbrick house. Isla hadn’t mentioned Carlyn again – it felt as though she’d completely forgotten about their run in at the pool, though she’d asked more than a few times when they would be able to go to the beach with Rich again.

Meghan didn’t have an answer for her, because she’d only seen him three times since that kiss. And each time had been rushed – he’d been running out of the door to work, or she’d been talking with Gloria in the hall and he’d given them both a brief hello. Once he’d asked her if she’d heard anything from Carlyn, the relief evident in his expression when she’d told him she hadn’t.

So was that it? They were done being friends? It felt like a loose end that was constantly nagging in her mind. Like she couldn’t get comfortable because they had unfinished business.

“Come here and give your Granny some kisses.” Meghan’s mom hugged Isla tight as she reached the top step of their house. “We have so much fun planned this weekend, I hope you’ve got lots of energy. And I made your favorite dinner.”

“Chicken pot pie?” Isla’s eyes widened.