A smile played on his lips. “It doesn’t matter.”

“Do you know how infuriating it is when somebody says that? I’m going to be wondering all night what you were going to say.” He always made her feel giddy. Like a school girl having a crush on her teacher.

“Yeah, well this little thought is going to stay right where it belongs.” He tapped his head. “And with that, I’m going to go for a run to work off this ice cream.” He lifted the bowl and walked over to her dishwasher, pulling it open and stashing it inside. Then he turned to her, cupping her face with the palm of his hand, the sudden gesture causing her heart to skip a beat.

“Do you realize how beautiful you are?” His voice was low. “Outside and in.”

Her voice caught in her throat. All she could do was shake her head.

“I’m so glad you moved in next door.” He leaned forward, brushing his lips against her cheek. “And I won’t let anything happen to you or Isla. I promise.”

“I know you won’t.” She felt breathless.

“Thanks for the ice cream. I’ll let you know how things go with Ca


It was weird, because just mentioning her name made Meghan’s muscles tense. She didn’t like the thought of him spending any time with the glamorous gallery owner. Even if it was to warn her off.

As he left her apartment, giving her a wave as he headed to his own, she felt an emptiness she hadn’t before. He was only a few yards away, yet it felt like he’d gone so far.

Ugh, she needed to stop this. The last thing he needed was another woman going crazy over him. They were friends, and that was enough.

Or it would be, just as soon as she got over this stupid damn crush.

His ten mile run along the beach wasn’t having the effect he’d hoped it would. His thigh muscles ached, his lungs were screaming, and there was sweat dripping off him, but still he couldn’t get that thought out of his head.

I bet you taste even sweeter than the ice cream.

Those were the words he’d thought when she’d been inches away from him, staring up with those big green eyes. And now he couldn’t stop thinking about her laying naked on his bed, her soft thighs brushing against his cheeks as he made good on that thought. Couldn’t stop imagining how she’d taste like warm honey on a summer’s day, couldn’t stop hearing her gasps as he made her sweeter still. Couldn’t stop wanting the one thing he couldn’t have.

It was getting harder to stop himself from thinking about how good they could be together. Every time he passed her door he wanted to knock on it to see her smile. To hear her soft voice wrap around him like a blanket.

To check that she and Isla were okay.

Isla. The thought of her was like a cold bucket of water over his skin. How could he have exposed her to Carlyn like that? Another sign – if he needed one – that he needed to keep his distance from her and Meghan. Without even trying, he’d put her in danger.

Imagine how much worse it would be if he got involved with them. He’d messed up enough lives already, adding two more to the tally would kill him.

He’d reached the pier. He stopped for a moment, bending over to catch his breath. From here he could see the spot in the sand where they’d picnicked the other week. He could almost smell the sweet notes of her perfume.

He blew out a mouthful of air, his cheeks hollowing as it escaped. He needed to dig deep and find a way to stop obsessing about her so much.

Masturbation wasn’t working.

Nor was burying himself in his work.

Living next door to her was like a drunk living next door to a liquor store. The temptation was so strong he wasn’t sure the most disciplined of people could resist it.

And yet he needed to. Because he liked her. And wasn’t that a weak word? Whatever it was he felt toward her, it was enough to want to protect her from him.

Yeah, he was going to have to dig deep to find a way to stop himself from hurting her. And him.

Because the alternative was too damn awful to contemplate.


The sun had dropped behind the horizon hours ago, but Meghan couldn’t sleep. She’d showered, changed into her pajamas, and gotten into bed, but an hour of twisting and turning had only made her feel more restless.