“Don’t be rude,” Meghan chided. “And go put those postcards back nicely. We need to head home soon. It’s almost dinner time.”

“Doesn’t it look fabulous?” Belle asked, her eyes lighting up as she looked around the gallery.

“It’s amazing.” Rich’s throat felt thick. His sister’s talent was astounding. “You’ve done a good job.”

“Carlyn did most of it. She has a real eye for art.” Belle looked up as the office door opened. “Speak of the devil.”

Carlyn saw Rich standing there and took a deep breath. He’d only seen her once since the day he’d threatened her, but both then and now she was on her best behavior. No innuendos or demands, just pure professionalism. Maybe this could actually work.

“Hello.” She smiled carefully at him, then moved her attention to Belle. “Only a few hours to go, how do you feel?”

“Scared,” Belle admitted. “And excited, too.”

“It’s going to be amazing. Everybody who is anybody will be here. I’ve already had enquiries about three of your pieces and the show hasn’t even begun. I’ve arranged for the press to arrive at six, and they’ll all want to sit down and talk with you for a while. Then we have some influencers and celebrities arriving at seven once the show is up and running.” Her eyes were pale as she looked at Rich again. “So make sure you’re rested and ready to go.”

“I will.” Belle beamed, turning to Rich. “I wish Mom and Dad could be here to see this.”

“I wish they could, too.” He tried to push the guilt back down. “They’d be so damn proud of you.”

“And of you, too,” Belle said, her voice earnest.

A little twist in his gut told him that wasn’t true.

“We’re still waiting on a couple of RSVPs,” Carlyn said. “And I’m almost certain there will be a few last minute changes. Are there any you know of?” she asked Belle.

“No. Everyone I know is still coming.”

“How about you?” Carlyn asked Rich. “Are you still bringing a plus one?”

“Meghan will be with me.” She’d arranged for Isla to stay with a friend for the night. He was counting down the hours until they could be together again.

“Wonderful.” Carlyn’s smile looked almost genuine. “Right, I need to go check on some last minute details. Is there anything else you two need?”

“We’re good. I’m off to the salon to make myself beautiful.” Belle smiled. “Thank you for all you’ve done.”

Carlyn nodded. “It’s a pleasure. I’ll see you here at five forty-five.” Her eyes flickered to Rich’s and away again.

Belle nodded. “See you then.”


Meghan looked up, her eyes crinkling when she saw Rich leaning on the counter. She had another three hours at the ice cream parlor before she could hand over the reins to Jeannie and head home to get ready for tonight. Isla was already at her friend’s house, they were going to a birthday party together, and then she’d be sleeping over there. Her skin already felt heated at the thought of a night alone with Rich again.

“Hi. I thought you’d be with Belle.”

“I just dropped her off at the beauty salon. We stopped in at the gallery on the way. It looks amazing, Belle was so happy.”

“I bet it did. She’s so talented.”

Rich had showed her some of Belle’s paintings on his phone. Her use of color was exquisite. Meghan didn’t know a whole lot about art, but she knew what she liked, and she like Belle’s ocean scapes.

“How was Carlyn?” Meghan asked lightly.

“Surprisingly okay. She was very nice to Belle and seems to have arranged for some top dealers and influencers to attend the show.” He shrugged.

Meghan’s stomach tightened. It was stupid, but she hated the thought of Rich spending any time with Carlyn. She was so elegant, so beautiful, and she ran her own gallery. She made Meghan feel like a little girl playing business owner.

Not good enough. Never good enough. She pushed the thought down. It wasn’t true. Just echoes of her childhood – she’d left them behind along with the rest of the things her parents had taught her.