“One more time,” he urged. The corner of his lip curled as he circled her softly, knowing how tender she was there. And to her surprise she could feel the quickening inside her, her muscles tensing and shaking as he brought her to the edge.

She felt so full. So tight. The pleasure rippled to the tips of her toes, making him smile as she arched her back from the bed. He slid his hand beneath her, supporting her, as he suddenly stilled inside her.

“Meg…” he breathed, his eyes closing as he surged, letting her go a minute later when they both came back to earth.

He jumped out of bed, and she heard him wash his hands before he sauntered back to bed, with a warm wash cloth he used to care for her.

“Like a bed bath,” she murmured, smiling. “Your bedside manner has game.”

He grinned. “I’m all about a quick recovery. That way we can get you back in the game quickly.”

She laid back on the bed, her head soft against the pillow. “My game’s over. You’ve wrung me dry. I’ve got nothing left to give.”

“Is that right?” He cleaned the top of her thighs, then the warmest part of her, and damn if she didn’t feel the tingles again. What was this man doing to her?

“Do you ever think it’s unfair that a woman can orgasm multiple times, but a guy can only do it once?” she asked, as he pressed his lips to her shoulder and took the cloth back to the bathroom. A moment later he was climbing back into bed with her, pulling her against him so her head rested on his warm, bare chest.

“I think it’s fucking hot,” he told her. “I love giving you multiple orgasms.”

It was weird, but she knew he was telling the truth. She almost thought he’d give up his own orgasm if he could keep giving them to her. She’d never met a man so intent on giving his partner pleasure before.

Not that she was complaining.

Nope, this weekend was already getting a five star review from her, and it was only Friday.

Accommodation – top notch. Beautifully furnished apartment.

Dinner – perfectly cooked and excellent ambiance.

Other services – highly recommended. If you know what I mean.

“What are you smiling at?” he asked her, pressing his lips against her hair.

“I’m just wondering if I should give you a Tripadvisor review.”

“Is that right?” He arched an eyebrow. “I hope I get scored excellent on all counts.”

She rolled to her side, a smile curling her lips. “Oh you definitely do.”

“Glad to hear it. Do come back and stay again.” He grabbed for her, making her squeal. “Now let me show you how accommodating I can really be.”

There was nothing sexier than seeing Meghan Hart wearing his t-shirt as she sat on his balcony drinking her Sunday morning coffee. Rich leaned on the wall outside the bathroom, lazily rubbing his freshly-washed hair with a soft towel, his lower body stirring as he watched her stretch out her lithe legs and prop them up on the chair in front of her.

When Meghan worked yesterday, he’d hung around and helped her at the ice cream shop for a while, then when it quietened he’d gone for a swim and to meet James and Harper for lunch, before picking Meghan up later that afternoon.

It had been an amazing day, followed by a perfect evening, and he was beginning to understand why so many of his doctor friends lived for their time off with their families. The sun had shone bright, his heart had been fucking melted by the woman who made the best ice cream in the world, and then last night she’d brought him to his knees – literally – with just her fingers and her lips.

And he couldn’t get enough of her.

There was this draw to her he couldn’t ignore. She was the better part of him. They had so much in common. They’d both been forced to grow up at an early age, become responsible for another life before they’d really started to live their own. But unlike him, Meghan had found a balance that made her seem content. She didn’t live for her work, even though she enjoyed it. It wasn’t her escape, because she didn’t need one.

Pulling open the refrigerator, he grabbed a carton of orange juice and poured himself a glass, emptying it in one swallow. Meghan turned, the sunlight reflecting on her bare thighs, a smile pulling at her kiss-swollen lips as she saw him standing in the kitchen. She went to stand but he gestured for her to stay sitting, walking out to the balcony to join her.

Her eyes scanned his naked torso, and they darkened enough to make him want her all over again.

“You’re not going to do your reputation any good standing out here half naked,” she said, her voice light. “There’ll be a gaggle of admirers staring up at you any minute.”

“You have my t-shirt,” he pointed out. “So it’s your fault.”