“Stop it.” She shook her head even though he couldn’t see her. “You have a one track mind.”

“Then distract me. Ask me a question.”

She breathed in, leaning her head against the pillow. “What’s your favorite flavor?”

“You are.”

“Rich! You’re supposed to answer sensibly.”

“Okay, okay. I guess I really liked the lemon ice cream you made that one time. But to be honest, ice cream is ice cream. I’ll eat any of it.” He cleared his throat. “What’s your middle name?”

“I don’t have one. My parents don’t see the point in middle names. They don’t like waste or anything like that, and they think middle names are wasteful.”

“Does Isla have a middle name?”

Meghan smiled. “It’s Anya. It means gift from God. They couldn’t really argue with that one.”

Rich laughed. “Even your rebellions are sweet.”

“Shut up. What’s your middle name?”

“That’s not important. Ask me another.”

A smile pulled at her lips. “What is it?” she asked again. “Now I’m intrigued.”

“It’s a stupid name that should be forgotten by everybody. Why don’t you tell me what you’re wearing right now?”

“Quid pro quo. Tell me your middle name first.”

“Ugh. It’s Archibald. After my grandfather. So I’m Richard Archibald Martin, which if you shorten leads to a lifetime of teasing.”

“Ram?” She tried to swallow her laugh. “Is that what they called you at school?”

“Among other things.” She could hear the irony in his voice. “Hot Doc Ram is my favorite.”

“You poor thing. It must be awful being called the Hot Doc,” she teased.

“You wouldn’t even believe it. Now, what are you wearing?”

“My usual pajamas. A tank and shorts.”

“Take them off.” His voice was lower. Thicker.


“Please?” There was a little inflection at the end of the drawn out word. It sent a shiver down her spine.

“Are we doing this?” she asked him. “Because I haven’t shaved my legs today.”

He chuckled. “In my mind you have.”

“Have you shaved?”

“Not since last night. I’m dark and dangerous right now, so take your pajamas off before I climb over the balcony to persuade you.”

She grinned because she knew he’d do no such thing, even though he’d admitted to scoping it out. His balcony wrapped around the side of the building, but stopped ten feet short of where hers started.

“You take yours off first,” she suggested.