“Bored.” Gloria wrinkled her nose. “It’s not like the movies in here. I was expecting a constant stream of hot doctors and pretty nurses.” She sighed. “But at least I have Rich. He’s been in three times already.”

Meghan smiled at the mention of him. “Have they said what happens next?”

“I have two more tests tomorrow, but they’re happy that my heart rhythm is back to normal. If the tests are fine, I’ll be released by mid-week and then I get to come back in a month for follow up.”

“You’ll be released that soon?” Meghan blinked.

“So they say. And I won’t be sorry. I miss my apartment. And you, of course. How’s Isla?”

“She’s good. She spent the weekend at my parents’ house. My dad’s bringing her home in about an hour.”

“I bet she loved that.” Gloria smiled.

“She did.”

“And I bet you loved having the break.” Gloria frowned. “At least until I ruined everything.”

“You didn’t ruin anything. You got sick, that was all.” Meghan smiled softly at her. “Have you heard from your son yet?”

“He called a little while ago. It’s evening in London now. I had to tell him not to get on a flight to see me. Everybody’s making such a fuss.” She clucked her tongue. “It was just a little fainting episode.”

“It was more than that. Rich was worried about you.” Meghan squeezed her hand. “I was, too. If you start to feel bad again you need to ask for help right away. We don’t want you to get sick.”

Gloria patted her cheek. “You’re a sweet girl. And I promise I won’t leave it so long next time. Now tell me, what were you and Rich doing in the hall when I came out last night?”

Meghan’s cheeks flushed. “We’d been out to see a couple he knows. We were saying goodnight when you came out.”

The older woman smiled. “Was it a date?”

“No. Just as friends.”

“You two don’t act like you’re just friends.” Her voice was light. “There’s something more there.”

Meghan swallowed, the need to hear Gloria’s thoughts outweighing her natural embarrassment. “What makes you say that?”

“The way he looks at you. There’s a softness there I only see when he talks about his sister. He cares about you, I can see that. And I know you feel the same.”

“Do you?” Meghan’s voice was low.

“Don’t you?” Gloria teased.

Meghan pulled her lip between her teeth. “It’s complicated.”

“It always is. But there are always solutions. Now can you pour me a glass of water please, dear? All this talking about hot doctors is sending my temperature soaring.”

Meghan grinned and did as she was told, changing the subject to tell Gloria how busy the beach had been today. “You could barely see a patch of sand. It’s like everybody’s been cooped up for too long and they can’t wait to get some ocean air.”

“I can’t say I blame them. I’d like to be there myself.”


Rich was standing in the doorway, looking ridiculously handsome in his green scrubs. A stethoscope was looped around his neck, and his ID card was clipped to the chest pocket. His arms were crossed in front of him, the short sleeves revealing his bulging biceps and strong, sinewed hands.

Meghan blinked as her mind flashed back to the previous night – or rather early this morning. To him bracing himself on the mattress as he came inside her. His muscles tensed, his kisses stilled, and how another wave of pleasure had washed over her.

And now she was blushing. Thanks, brain.

“Here he is now. Talk of the devil and he will appear.” Gloria grinned as he walked in, kissing her cheek. He stared up at the monitor, as though he was studying it. “Aren’t you supposed to be working in the ER?” Gloria teased.