It was strange how such a small gesture made her feel warm. He reached for her hand, helping her stand and then closing the door behind her, leading her over to the gallery where he pressed the buzzer on the front door.

His fingers were threaded through hers. His hold felt reassuring. She squeezed her fingers a little and he squeezed back.

“Okay?” he murmured.

“I’m a little nervous,” she admitted. She didn’t want to let him down, that was all.

He brushed the back of her hand with his thumb. How did he make her react just by touching her? “It’ll be fine. We’ve just started dating. We’re getting to know each other. There are no right or wrong ways to act. Just be yourself.”

The door opened and behind it was a tall, elegant brunette, with shining waves tumbling to her shoulders, and a face perfectly made up. She was wearing the kind of dress you saw in the shop next door – made of luxurious fabric that clung to her every curve.

Her eyes swept from Rich to Meghan, then back again. “I didn’t know you were bringing a friend,” she said, her voice tight.

Rich slid his hand around Meghan’s waist, pulling her against him. “We have a brunch date, I figured it would kill two birds with one stone. Meghan, this is Carlyn, she runs the gallery. Carlyn, this is Meghan.”

“I suppose you’d better come in.” She looked flustered. “Your sister is in the back.”

Rich kept his arm firmly around Meghan’s waist as they walked inside. The interior was as beautiful as the window, with shelves displaying beautiful sculptures that captured the light, walls filled with paintings that depicted the beach, the city, and portraits, too. Her eyes didn’t know where to look first.

“Rich!” a young woman in her early twenties called out, propelling herself on her wheelchair to navigate her way around the shelves. “I didn’t know you were bringing somebody.” There was a cheeky smile on her face as she gave Meghan the once over. It had to be his sister, they had the same dark hair and piercing blue eyes. But her face was softer, with gentle curves rather than his hard angles.

“We’re heading off to brunch after this, so Meghan kindly agreed to come.” His voice was full of affection as he released Meghan’s waist and dipped to brush his lips across his sister’s cheeks.

Hadn’t he said his parents died when he was nineteen? For the last decade and a half it had been him and his sister. No wonder they were close. Belle had to have been a young teenager when they died. How hard that must have been.

“Belle, this is Meghan,” Rich said, looking over his shoulder at her. “Meg, this is my sister.”

“It’s a pleasure.” Meghan grinned at Belle, holding her hand out.

“Hi. This is a lovely surprise. It’s lovely to meet you.” She turned to Rich. “She’s pretty. Well done.”

Carlyn cleared her throat. “We should start talking about the show. I have to open the gallery in an hour and I have a lot to do before that. Belle, Richard, would you like to come to the office.” She gave Meghan a cold glance. “Maybe you’d like to look around while we talk. My office isn’t big enough for all of us.”

Belle glanced at them both. “It’s fine, I can handle this. Why don’t you and Meghan take a look around the gallery while we talk business. I want to pick your brain later about the layout for the show.”

Carlyn frowned. “We need a second signatory for the contract. I really need him to come in, too.”

Rich looked at Belle. “Call me when you’re ready and I’ll come in to sign it.” He’d go in with her now if she wanted. But it was her call, not his.

“I will.” Belle winked. “Now you two kids have fun without us.” She turned her chair and followed Carlyn to the office. Before she closed the door, Carlyn took another glance at Meghan and Rich, her eyes dark with annoyance.

Rich slid his arm around her waist, kissing her brow with his warm, soft lips. Meghan looked up at him with surprise.

“Just go with it,” he murmured. Carlyn slammed the door shut and he released his hold on Meghan. “Sorry.” He grimaced. “She just pisses me off.”

“She didn’t seem that bad.”

He swallowed. “She just finds it hard taking no for an answer. Thank you for being here, you made my life easier.”

It was weird, because her heart was thumping against her chest. Her skin felt like it was burning where he’d pressed his lips against her brow. For a moment, she’d imagined him cupping her jaw, sliding his lips down her cheek to the corner of her mouth.


h. What was wrong with her? She was here as a decoy, nothing else. This wasn’t real, no matter how much her body reacted to him.

“Shall we look at some paintings?” he suggested, his voice light, as though he had no idea how he affected her.

“Sure, I’d like that.” She smiled at him, walking over to a seascape with stormy skies and a boat surrounded by foaming waves.