Lydia turned to see the new owner of the ice cream parlor approaching them, her hand held by a little girl with flaming red hair. “Hey,” Meghan said, giving Autumn and Lydia a shy smile. “How are the preparations going?”

“Great.” Autumn’s smile was wide. “Hey Isla, how are you settling in?”

Isla shrugged, and nestled into her mom. “We’re getting there,” Meghan told them. “Most of our boxes in the apartment are unpacked, and business at Angel Ices is booming. Speaking of which, I thought you should try this,” she said, holding out a waffle cone topped with white and pink swirled ice cream to Autumn. “We mixed it especially for today. If you think it works, we can serve it for dessert.”

It was typical of Autumn to include Meghan as one of the suppliers for Skyler’s naming day. She loved using local businesses where she could. Delmonico’s on the Pier was providing a buffet for their guests, and Angel Ices would be setting up a cart and serving ice cream to all who wanted them.

“This is delicious,” Autumn said, taking a lick of the ice cream. “What’s in it?”

“Vanilla bean cream, with minted raspberries,” Meghan said. “We’ve decided to call it the Skyler.”

“I love it!” Autumn took another lick. “You’re so talented. This is going to go down well this afternoon. It’ll be perfect with champagne.”

“Did somebody say champagne?” Ally Sutton grinned as she joined their little group. “I swear, all you have to do is say that word and my whole body goes on alert.” She hugged all three of them, and ruffled Isla’s hair. “Hey sweetie,” she said. “I love your dress.”

Isla was in pink and white to match the décor and the ice cream. “Thank you,” she said shyly.

“We should go,” Meghan told them. “I want to get everything ready before the ceremony begins. That way we can watch it with you all.” She smiled gratefully at Autumn. “I really appreciate you inviting us, especially when we’re so new around here.”

“You’re part of the community now,” Autumn told her. “I’m so glad you can join us.”

“Hey, next time we have a girls’ night, you should come along,” Ally suggested. Meghan nodded with a smile, and headed back down the pier.

“Speaking of girls’ night, did either of you have the hangover from hell on Wednesday?” Ally asked Lydia and Autumn. “I swear my head was pounding all day. I blame the margaritas.”

“I was in a world of pain,” Autumn agreed. “Not Lydia, though.”

“I have a large capacity for alcohol.” Lydia grinned at them.

“That sounds like a challenge. We should have another get together soon.” Ally nodded, her eyes sparkling. “Not this week, though. I need at least fourteen days recovery time.”

Lydia smiled sadly. “We’ll have to take a rain check. I’m flying out to Spain next week.”

Ally’s face fell. “So soon? But you just got here.”

“I have a job waiting for me there.”

“But you’ll be back soon, won’t you?” Ally glanced to her side and leaned forward. “Because between you and me, there’s a certain guy who seems to be a hell of a lot happier when you’re around.” She lifted her eyebrows. “Jackson was all smiles when he came in to grab a coffee this morning. I hardly recognized him. And according to Ember, Lucas said the same thing. You’re good for him, honey.”

Lydia felt warmth rush through her. “It’s a casual thing,” she lied.

“I wish you could stay longer.”

Lydia tried to ignore the way her chest tightened at Ally’s words. There was a part of her that wished exactly the same thing.

The same part that wished Jackson would want this thing between them to be more than a short fling.

Autumn’s phone buzzed, and she pulled it from her pocket. “That’s Dad,” she said, her eyes catching Lydia’s. “He’s parking now.”

“I guess that’s my cue to leave,” Lydia said, giving her sister a rueful smile. “Wish me luck.”

“Good luck,” Autumn said emphatically. “And thank you, I owe you one.”

“Did I tell yo

u how proud I am of you?” Ryan asked, as he and Jackson headed up the pier. They were both wearing suits. Jackson’s was grey, and tailored perfectly to his body. His dad’s, on the other hand, was more flamboyant, with pleated, baggy pants and a matching jacket in a pale cream wool, that wouldn’t have looked out of place in an old episode of Miami Vice.

“Yeah, you tell me all the time,” Jackson said, smiling at his old man. He’d picked him up after leaving Eddie with Lisa, and the two of them had headed straight here.