“And what does Griff think about that?” Jackson asked. Across the office, he could see Lisa had finished her call. She was pretending to read something on her computer screen, but he could tell by the way her back was ramrod straight that she was trying to listen in to his conversation.

He shook his head. She was nosy, but she was good at what she did. Nobody was perfect.

“Griff knows better than to contradict Autumn,” Lydia said, her voice bright. “And I think he’s genuinely scared about leaving me alone with Skyler. I got a lecture this morning about how to hold her head. She’s four months old. She can hold her own head up perfectly. He’s losing it, he really is.”

“I’d love to come help you.” He wanted all of her nights right now. “But I have Eddie. I can’t ask my dad to watch him again. It’s his chess night with the guys.”

“Wait one moment.” He heard muffled voices, as though Lydia was covering up the mouthpiece of the phone. A moment later, she came back on the line. “Autumn says Eddie can come if we keep him in the yard. Do you think that’ll be okay?”

He glanced down at the dog sleeping at his feet. “Yeah, we can make that work.”

“Great. Because I don’t know if I’ve told you, but I’m horribly allergic to poopy diapers. So that’ll be your job, okay?”

“Hey, I deal with Eddie’s stuff. That’s enough crap for me on a single day. The diapers are all yours.”

She laughed. “Listen to us discussing who’s cleaning up after the dog and the baby. We sound like an old married couple.”

“I guess I’d better get back to work. What time shall I come over?”

“They’re leaving at seven. So maybe ten minutes before? That’ll give us enough time to give Griff the heebie jeebies.”

“I’ll bring some takeout with me. We’ll need fuel to look after the baby.”

“Perfect. See you tonight, Mr. Nanny.”

Shaking his head, Jackson hung up the phone.

Lydia opened Autumn’s front door, a smile breaking out on her lips when she saw Jackson standing there, his hands stuffed into his jeans, Eddie’s leash wrapped around his wrist. Eddie was sitting patiently next to him, but when he saw Lydia, his tail started to wag like crazy.

Jackson leaned forward and pressed a sweet kiss against her lips and she felt all giddy and warm. Damn, he smelled good. She wasn’t sure what cologne he was wearing, but it made her leg muscles feel like mush. Would it be wrong for her to go through his bathroom cabinet the next time she was over and find out? Just for the sake of curiosity, of course.

“Hey,” he said. “Shall I walk Eddie around the back?”

Autumn appeared behind Lydia, fastening an earring. “You can bring him through,” she said, inclining her head at the hallway. “The kitchen door is open. I’ve put a few beanbags out in case he wants somewhere soft to rest.”

“I’ll take him through.” Lydia held out her hand for the leash. Jackson passed it to her, his fingers caressing hers.

She swallowed hard. He was so damn distracting.

“Let me see this dog,” Griff said, as she walked him into the kitchen. Skyler was cradled in his right arm, her hair fluffy from her bath, wearing a fresh pink onesie covered in printed sheep. She lifted her hand from her drooly mouth and smiled as she looked at Eddie, her eyes full of interest as the dog stopped at Griff’s feet.

“Sit, Eddie,” Lydia said, willing him to obey her. She really wanted to spend tonight with Jackson, and if Eddie wasn’t welcome here, he wouldn’t stay.

Eddie took a calculating look at her and slowly sat, looking up at Griff, his tongue lolling out.

Griff touched the pup with his free hand, and Eddie gave what almost sounded like a purr.

“He likes you,” Lydia said. “That’s his contented sound.”

“Does he always do what you tell him?” Griff asked her.

“It’s Jackson he listens to the most.” She turned her head to see Jackson and Autumn standing in the kitchen. “He can get him to do anything with a command.”

Griff raised a disbelieving eyebrow. Jackson grinned at the challenge.

“Lay down, Eddie,” Jackson said, and Eddie immediately dropped to the floor. Griff blinked, surprised.
