“So are you. Three times amazing.” She smiled against his chest.

“Give me half an hour and we’ll make it an even four.”

She laughed softly. “I’m not sure I can take much more. And anyway, I should go back to Autumn’s house soon. It’s getting late.”

“You could stay here.”

“We probably shouldn’t give Griff an aneurysm,” she said, drawing circles with her fingers against his stomach. She liked the way it rippled every time she touched him. “Not until after the naming ceremony, anyway.”

“I guess…” He sounded reluctant. And she liked that. Maybe too much. Laying here in his arms was so easy, so natural. But it wasn’t real. None of this was. “Stay for ten more minutes,” he suggested. “Just let me hold you for a while.”

Snuggling against his chest, she nodded, letting out a sigh as he stroked his fingers through her hair.

“Ten minutes,” she agreed. After that, she’d let herself get back to reality.

Closing the front door behind her as quietly as she could, Lydia tiptoed down the hallway toward her bedroom, holding her breath.

But all her ninja tactics were for n

othing, because Griff and Autumn were in the nursery, calming a screaming Skyler as they tried to get her to nurse.

“Hey.” Lydia smiled at them, because damn, she was feeling mighty fine. “You guys still up?”

Griff glanced at his watch, his brows lifting as he took in the time. It was past one in the morning, Lydia knew that because she’d seen it on Jackson’s car clock before she’d climbed out.

“You’re home late,” Griff said, trying – and failing – to keep his voice light.

Autumn sighed at him.

He looked at her. “What?”

“I thought we talked about this. What Lydia and Jackson do is their own concern.” Autumn adjusted Skyler against her chest. “Did you have a good evening?”

“It was great.” Lydia grinned. “How about you guys?”

But Griff was having none of it. “I thought he was taking you for a driving lesson.”

“He did,” Lydia told him. “We drove all around the mountain roads.”

“Until one o’clock?” His eyebrow arched.

“Still not her father,” Autumn muttered to him.

“You both look tired,” Lydia said, changing the subject. “How about I babysit for you tomorrow night? You can go out and have fun for a change.”

“Are you trying to sweet talk me?” Griff asked. “Because it won’t work.”

“She doesn’t need to sweet talk you, because whatever’s going on between her and Jackson is none of your damn business.” Autumn treated him to a fantastic glare. Lydia took note to avoid pissing her sister off.

“I’m worried about them,” he muttered.

“I know.” Autumn patted his arm with her free hand.

“And I love them both.”

Lydia smiled at him. “We know that. But we’re grown-ups. Imagine how you’d feel if someone had told you not to see Autumn. You’d have been annoyed as hell.”

“That’s different,” Griff said, sitting on the loveseat next to his fiancée. “Autumn and I were serious.”