“I’ll also be looking at some of the underutilized space on the pier. To make more money, I either have to reduce costs, up the rent, or find more tenants. I’d prefer the latter option.”

At last somebody nodded. It felt like she’d won a marathon.

She took a deep breath. “Okay, who has any questions?”

At least ten hands shot up. She spent the next twenty minutes answering each one, taking her time to make sure they were content with her answer, or occasionally promising to get back to them once she knew more.

“For any questions you might think of later, I will be working in the office at the top of the pier. My door is always open if you need me,” Autumn added before she ended the meeting.

At that time, most of the Delmonico family headed to the restaurant which was already filling with guests, while Ricky, the watersports rental owner, gave them a nod and ambled back to his shack by the beach. Autumn grabbed her phone to call the Beach Club, who’d kindly loaned her the chairs.

“You did good.”

She looked up to see Griff towering over her.

“Thanks.” She gave him a smile. “I know it must be disconcerting for everyone having an outsider buy this place.”

He shrugged. “I’m just glad somebody bought it. The last owners weren’t exactly responsive to the problems. A few years ago, they used to have a general manager working out of the office, but once he retired they never replaced him.”

That explained the thick dust on the furniture in there. And the fact that nothing worked – not the phone line or the electricity, and of course there was no internet. She’d already arranged for a cleaning company to come to do their magic the next day, along with an electrician and the cable company.

“How long have you worked here?” she asked Griff.

/> He shrugged. “Ever since I can remember. I started off helping my grandpa when The Ocean Explorer was a fishing trawler. When he died, my dad converted it into a whale watching boat, and I used to crew every weekend for him. I took over as captain about six years ago.” His voice was deep and smooth.

“I see the rent hasn’t gone up in around ten years,” she said. “According to the records, at least.”

“That sounds right.” He raised an eyebrow.

“I’m afraid that might have to change. I’ll be doing some market comparisons to see what a fair level will be.”

He tipped his head to the side as though sizing her up. “I’ll be interested to hear what that might be.” He didn’t sound pissed, but then she didn’t know him. Maybe he was one of those guys who seethed silently. All she knew was that nobody liked rent increases.

“And I’d like to come out on your next cruise, if that’s okay?” she added. “Just to learn a little more about what you do.”

“If you come out on my boat, I’ll put you to work. We don’t take any freeloaders on the Explorer.”

She bit down a smile. “I’m not afraid of work.”

Griff nodded. “We leave at eight on Saturdays. But the crew starts at six. That’s when I’ll expect you.” He gave her a nod, and turned to walk away, not waiting for her reply.

It was only when he was halfway up the pier that he turned around and called out to her.

“And Miss Paxton?”

“It’s Autumn.”

The hint of a smile crossed his lips. “Autumn, then. As delightful as those shoes are, I suggest you wear flats tomorrow. Unless you want to end up as shark bait.”


“So there’s a new woman in town and neither of you thought to give her my number?” Jackson asked as Lucas slid a tray of beers on the table. “At least I know where she lives.” Griff and his two friends were at the local bar for a rare guys’ night out. He watched, amused, as Jackson swallowed a mouthful of cold beer.

“Don’t harass my tenants.” Lucas shot Jackson a warning glance. “And anyway, I thought you were seeing that programmer from White City.”

Jackson shrugged. “We ended things last month. So I’m free and single. And we all know that Griff would never date somebody he works with. Not after the Carla fiasco.” He grinned at Griff. “I bet you were delighted to see she’s back.”

“Over the moon,” Griff said, deadpan.